Rapid formation of cubic boron nitride in the system Mg<inf>3</inf>N<inf>2</inf>-BN 1995, Diamond and Related Materials Show abstract Formation of cubic boron nitride in the system Mg<inf>3</inf>N<inf>2</inf>-BN: a new contribution to the phase diagram 1995, Diamond and Related ...
It was concluded that generation of the gas phase (HBNH) n clusters with oligomerization degree n 24 was viable, making these species possible intermediates involved in the gas phase generation of BN nanoparticles.doi:10.1002/cjoc.200690139WANG HongDepartment of ChemistryWU Hai-ShunDepartment of ...
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The phase relations in the binary system of BN-Mg3N2 were investigated in regions of pressure, P, from 3.0 GPa to 8.0 GPa and temperature, T, up to 1900 K ... R Berman,EL Foster,HM Rosenberg - 《British Journal of Applied Physics》 被引量: 33发表: 1955年 用Ca3N2和Mg3N2合成cBN...
Basic Info.Model NO. BBSBN002 Length Customized Temperature Resistance 2000℃Name High Purity 99% Hbn Rod Boron Nitride Ceramic BarWorking Temperature 900ºC(Air) Density 2.00 g/cm3 Volume Resistivity >1014Ω.Cm Flexural Strength 30MPa Compressiv...