Find the Molar Mass of Monobasic Ammonium Phosphate, (NH4)H2PO4 Step-by-Step There are 4 easy steps to find the molar mass of (NH4)H2PO4 based on its chemical formula. 1. Count The Number of Each Atom The first step to finding the molar mass of Monobasic Ammonium Phosphate is to ...
The molar mass and molecular weight of (NH4)H2(PO4) is 115.026. Convert (NH4)H2(PO4) From Moles to Grams Moles mol Convert to Grams and Molecules Convert (NH4)H2(PO4) From Grams to Moles and Molecules Weight g Convert to Moles Composition of Monobasic Ammonium Phosphate - (NH4)H2...
这个程序决定一种物质的分子量。输入物质的分子式,它将计算出元素的组合物和质量的化合物中的每个元素的总质量。 元素中的第一个字符使用大写字母,第二个字符使用小写字母。例子:Fe, Au, Co, Br, C, O, N, F。 你可以用小括号()或括号[ ]。
物质的摩尔质量计算结果:分子式: NH4(H2PO4)摩尔质量: 115.0244 g/mol 1g=8.69380757474066E-03 mol各种元素摩尔质量百分比:元素 数量 相对原子质量 百分比N 1 14.007 12.18%H 6 1.0079 5.26%P 1 30.974 26.93%O 4 15.999 55.64%热门应用: 物质的摩尔质量的计算 分子式: HCl...
Molar Mass (g/mol) N(Nitrogen)14.0067 H(Hydrogen)1.00794 P(Phosphorus)30.973762 O(Oxygen)15.9994 3. Compute Mass of Each Element Multiply the number of atoms by the atomic weight of each element found in steps 1 and 2 to get the mass of each element in NH4(H2PO4): ...
Molar Mass (g/mol) N(Nitrogen)14.0067 H(Hydrogen)1.00794 P(Phosphorus)30.973762 O(Oxygen)15.9994 3. Compute Mass of Each Element Multiply the number of atoms by the atomic weight of each element found in steps 1 and 2 to get the mass of each element in NH4H2(PO4): ...
H2 Molar Mass H2 Bond Polarity H2 Oxidation Number Calculate Reaction Stoichiometry Calculate Limiting Reagent Warning: One of the compounds in NH4H2PO4 + KNO3 + MgSO4 = N4H4K3PO4SMg + O3 + H2 is unrecognized. Verify 'N4H4K3PO4SMg' is entered correctly.Chemi...
NH4(H2PO4)的摩尔质量和分子量为{1,数字}。 由磷酸二氢铵 - NH4(H2PO4)组成 元素标志原子质量原子#质量百分比 氮 N 14.0067 g/mol 1 12.177% 氫 H 6.0476 g/mol 6 5.2576% 磷 P 30.9738 g/mol 1 26.9277% 氧 O 63.9976 g/mol 4 55.6377% 磷酸二氢铵 元素 质量百分比氧63.9976g氧63.9976g磷30.9...
NH4H2PO4 Molar Mass NH4H2PO4 Oxidation Number Show Chemical Structure Image Calculate Reaction Stoichiometry Calculate Limiting Reagent Chemical Equation Balancer 🛠️ Balance Equation ➜ Instructions To balance a chemical equation, enter an equation of a chemical reaction and press the...
NH4H2PO4 Molar Mass NH4H2PO4 Oxidation Number Potassium Hydroxide - KOH E525 Potash Lye Potassium Hydrate Lye Caustic Potash Koh KOH Molar Mass KOH Oxidation Number Products Monobasic Potassium Phosphate - KH2PO4 E340I Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Potassium Biphosphate Po...