采用PEG-(NH4)2SO4双水相体系直接从Bacillus sp.LS发酵液上清液中分离壳聚糖酶.研究了体系中PEG分子量,PEG质量分数,(NH4)2SO4质量分数,NaCl质量分数和pH值对壳聚糖酶分配系数及萃取率的影响.结果表明,室温下双水相萃取最佳条件为:PEG600 20%,(NH4)2SO4 20%,NaCl 0.1%, pH值6.0,在此条件下壳聚糖酶分配系数...
利用(NH4)2SO4溶液对K2O中毒后烟气SCR (selective catalytic reduction)脱硝商用催化剂活性进行再生.采用湿法浸渍法使催化剂表面负载不同质量K2O,前驱体为KNO3溶液.经过再生工艺处理后,在不同模拟烟气空速及氧浓度条件下均具有良好的活性.进一步利用离子色谱(IC)、N2吸附脱附分析( BET)、扫描电镜及其元素能谱分...
Ce.4H3N.4H2O4S.2H2O Chemical Name: Ammonium cerium sulfate ((NH4)4Ce(SO4)4) dihydrate Synonyms: Sulfuric acid,ammonium cerium(4+) salt (4:4:1),dihydrate;Ceric ammonium sulfate dihydrate;Ammonium cerium sulfate ((NH4)4Ce(SO4)4) dihydrate;102036-42-0 ...
Cite this article Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry K. V. Titova, V. V. Buyanov, V. P. Nikol’skaya, O. B. Pudova, O. A. Zharkova& G. P. Karzhavina 186Accesses Explore all metrics Abstract Stability of (NH4)2SO4· H2O2aqueous solutions and some structural changes in ammonium sul...
Single crystals of Cs4[(UO2)2(C2O4)(SO4)2(NCS)2] · 4H2O (I) and (NH4)4[(UO2)2(C2O4)(SO4)2(NCS)2] · 6H2O (II) have been synthesized and studied by
The Journal of Physical Chemistry ATaketani, F., Kanaya, Y., Akimoto, H., 2008. Kinetics of heterogeneous reactions of HO2 radical at ambient concentration levels with (NH4)2SO4 and NaCl aerosol particles. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 2370-2377....
The Chemistry of the trivalent actinoids. Part 7 [1]. Crystal structure analysis of [NH4]U[SO4]2·4H2O and comments on the structure of U2[SO4]3·9H2OThe crystal structure of an hydrated uranium(III) compound has been determined for the first time. Crystals of [NH 4]U[So 4] 2·...
China Skyrun Industrial Co,,ltd is a leading Trader supplier of 2,3-Dimethylbutane based in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, China Skyrun Industrial Co,,ltd has become a trusted name in the industry. Our product line includes a ra Total Employ...
Publisher NameSpringer, Cham Print ISBN978-3-030-65492-4 Online ISBN978-3-030-65493-1 eBook PackagesChemistry and Materials ScienceChemistry and Material Science (R0) Share this paper Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:Get shareable link Provided by the...