2. I’ve never had life or disability insurance. The only reason to consider either is if you have dependents who rely upon your income. If so, chose carefully and buy only term-life and then only for as long as you need it. For more:http://www.caniretireyet.com/long-term-care-in...
While everybody’s situation will vary, here are two excellent posts from my pal Jeremy detailing his own tax strategy as he travels the world as an early retiree:Never pay taxes againandhis actual 2013 tax return. There you have it: The considerations you’ll need to review and the tools...
Savings needed to fund health insurance and health care expenses in retirement: findings from a simulation model. MODELING RETIREE HEALTH COSTS: This Issue Brief examines the uncertainty of health care expenses in retirement by using a Monte Carlo simulation model to e... P Fronstin - 《Ebri ...
Jack Bogle left the CEO position in 1996 with health issues. Upon his return as “Senior Chairman” it became no secret that Vanguard had begun to drift from his hard-core simple, broad-based index investing principles. The new management want to grow and to do so they expanded their fund...