- District: Portsmouth School District - Enrollment: 1,078 (12:1 student to teacher ratio) - Niche grade: A- #7. Windham High School LBeddoe // Shutterstock #7. Windham High School - District: Windham School District - Enrollment: 1,020 (15:1 student to teacher ratio) - Niche grade:...
1 Reviews Check out schools near 16 Maple Drive.See the mapGreatSchools ratings are based on test scores and additional metrics when available. Check with the applicable school district prior to making a decision based on these schools. Learn more. ...
AUBURN PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT 338 WEST JEFFERSON STREET AUBURN IL 62615 (217) 438-6211 1 2 下一页 › 末页» 学校 这是Auburn - 学校的页面列表。它的详细信息学校名称, 地址, 州, 邮政编码如下。 学校名称 地址 城市 州 年级 邮政编码 Auburn High School 1701 E Samford Avenue Auburn AL 10...
As you can see above, my fellow Triumph-riding pal Lake has made the big time; and after only a year of operation. So even if the chance to hang out with him and maybe cage a ride on one of his bikes (he also runsLakes Escapea motorbike touring company in the Lakes District) were...
the 2001 school year Hills Garrison was completed so as to provide elementary education for 512 students in grades 1-5 plus facilities for pre-school. The total school enrollment for Hudson that year was 4,100. The photo of the Hills Garrison School is courtesy of the Hudson School District...
9-12 Public 601 StudentsPelham School District 8/10 GreatSchools Rating Parent Rating Average I think a lot of schools are what you make of them. Pelham High School s infrastructure has not been good over the years because it was built as an open concept school in the 70 s. The Town ...
Elementary School: Pelham Elementary SchoolElementary School District: PelhamJr High / Middle School: Pelham Memorial SchoolJr High / Middle School District: PelhamHigh School: Pelham High SchoolHigh School District: Pelham Building Building Area ...
5-8 Public 1086 StudentsDover School District 5/10 GreatSchools Rating Parent Rating Average There was a time when my children bartended this school I would give it three and possibly four stars. Now my grandchildren attend this school and it has gone down the tubes so far I don't think...
Elementary School: Garrison SchoolElementary School District: Dover School District SAU #11Jr High / Middle School: Dover Middle SchoolJr High / Middle School District: Dover School District SAU #11High School: Dover High SchoolHigh School District: Dover School District SAU #11 Agent Information ...