优异的· 206条住客点评查看所有点评 单项评分: 员工素质 9.7 设施/服务 9.7 清洁程度 9.8 舒适程度 9.7 性价比 9.5 位置 9.5 免费WiFi 8.1 在吕松住宿中评分较高 选择相关主题浏览点评: 早餐 位置 停车 安静 浴室 在这里住过的客人好评 Samantha 英国 “Very friendly host, immaculate house and wonderful ...
I think the house might be the only good debt you should carry and even then you should pay it off ASAP. I was not able to save more than 20% of the cost of the house we bought in Edmonton. It took us about 8 years or so to pay it off. This was hard to do. But we did ...