g'ngx_http_upstream_fair_module.c macOs:sed -i'''s / default_port / no_port / g'ngx_http_upstream_fair_module.c Ths,The problem has been solved
In function ‘ngx_http_upsync_del_peers’: error: ‘ngx_http_upstream_rr_peer_t’ has no member named ‘check_index’ In function ‘ngx_http_upsync_init_peers’: error: ‘ngx_http_upstream_rr_peer_t’ has no member named ‘check_index’ ...
> > We are trying to make a custom build of nginx with this upstream_hash > <http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpUpstreamRequestHashModule>module, > we had success on MacOSX but couldn't repeat it on Ubuntu 13.04: > When I run ./configure --add-module=../nginx_upstream_hash, I got the >...