{editor:editorInstance,// Quillevent:'text-change'// event typehtml:html,// html stringtext:text,// plain text stringcontent:content,// Content - operatins representationdelta:delta,// DeltaoldDelta:oldDelta,// Deltasource:source// ('user', 'api', 'silent' , undefined)} ...
此外,ngx-quill 还支持 Quill 的所有插件,这意味着开发者可以根据项目需求灵活地扩展编辑器的功能。 总之,ngx-quill 通过其简洁的 API 和丰富的功能,极大地简化了 Quill 在 Angular 应用程序中的集成过程,为开发者提供了高效且可靠的富文本编辑解决方案。 三、ngx-quill 的使用入门 3.1 ngx-quill 的安装和配置 ...
{ editor: editorInstance, // Quill range: range, // Range oldRange: oldRange, // Range source: source // ('user', 'api', 'silent' , undefined) } onEditorChanged - text or selection is updated - independent of the source { editor: editorInstance, // Quill event: 'text-change' /...
If you are using the editor reference to directly manipulate the editor content and want to update the model, pass 'user' as the source parameter to the QuillJS api methods.ConfigngModel - set initial value or allow two-way databinding for template driven forms formControl/formControlName - ...
{editor:editorInstance,// Quillrange:range,// RangeoldRange:oldRange,// Rangesource:source// ('user', 'api', 'silent' , undefined)} onEditorChanged - text or selection is updated - independent of the source {editor:editorInstance,// Quillevent:'text-change'// event typehtml:html,// ...
The editor throw error for some HTML examples, when I loaded from API. This works fine This is a test description This doesn't works This is a test description While both HT...
两个quad空格 a \qquad b a \qquad b 两个m的宽度 quad空格 a \quad b a \q...
{ editor: editorInstance, // Quill range: range, // Range oldRange: oldRange, // Range source: source // ('user', 'api', 'silent' , undefined) }onEditorChanged - text or selection is updated - independent of the source { editor: editorInstance, // Quill event: 'text-change' //...
{ editor: editorInstance, // Quill event: 'text-change' // event type html: html, // html string text: text, // plain text string content: content, // Content - operatins representation delta: delta, // Delta oldDelta: oldDelta, // Delta source: source // ('user', 'api', '...