CREATE src/app/pages/demo1/demo1.component.html (20bytes) CREATE src/app/pages/demo1/demo1.component.spec.ts (619bytes) CREATE src/app/pages/demo1/demo1.component.ts (272bytes) CREATE src/app/pages/demo1/demo1.component.scss (0bytes) UPDATE src/app/pages/demo1/demo1.module.ts (257...
在线演示: 如果你遇到,s3无法访问,无法找到fsevents@1.1.2: > fsevents@1.1.2 install /data/github/ngx-admin/node_modules/fsevents > node installnode-pre-gypERR! Tried to download(404): https://fsevents-binaries....
npm remove husky ⼆、开发 准备 默认已经在⼯程local⽅式安装了angular-cli,但不能直接ng XXX 全局安装npx npm i -g npx 然后⽤npx在⼯程路径下,⽤ npx ng XXX ⽐如:ngx-admin的组织还是⽐较复杂的。⾸先要理解它的结构 核⼼在pages这个module下。pages.module.ts import { NgModule }...
Live Demo | Who uses ngx-admin? | Documentation | Installation Guidelines | Angular templates Admin template based on Angular and Nebular Repository state and engagement with the community Repository is currently in a state of minimal maintenance. Our primary focus is on ensuring that the Angular ...
在线演示: 如果你遇到,s3无法访问,无法找到 : 问题讨论: 小结 ngx-admin可用三端都支持的主题,支持大量主流的页面设计模块,可以直接引用,让我们快速完成一个三端项目的开发工作...
在线演示: 如果你遇到,s3无法访问,无法找到fsevents@1.1.2: >fsevents@1.1.2install/data/github/ngx-admin/node_modules/fsevents>node install node-pre-gyp ERR!Triedtodownload(404):https://fsevents-binaries.s3-us-west...
Live Demo Documentation This template is usingNebularmodules set,here you can find documentation and other useful articles. Empty starter kit Don't need all the pages and modules and just looking for an empty starter kit for your next project? Check out ourstarter-kit branch. ...
"ngx-admin-demo-e2e": { "root": "e2e", "sourceRoot": "", "projectType": "application", "architect": { "e2e": { "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:protractor", "options": { "protractorConfig": "./protractor.conf.js", "devServerTarget": "ngx-admin-demo:serve" } } } ...
ant-design-pro Demo体验: 这个就不多说了,选择react技术栈的童鞋们必然离不开这个优秀开箱即用的中台前端/设计解决方案,文档齐全,组件丰富...5:ng2-admin 推荐指数:star:20.6k Github 地址: Demo体验:
Live DemoDocumentationThis template is using Nebular modules set, here you can find documentation and other useful articles.ng2-adminWe will continue supporting ng2-admin version, but if you are starting from scratch we recommend using ngx-admin. Unfortunately, there is no way to automatically ...