# 下载 git clone https://github.com/Masterchiefm/NGS_Tools.git # 进入下载的源码目录 cd NGS_Tools 安装依赖 pip install -r requirements.txt 运行 python3 ./NGS_Tools.py 根据以上操作,即可运行本程序的图形界面。图形界面操作按照图形提示即可。或者参考以下视频。 您也可以自由打包、分发,但是请...
Breadcrumbs NGS_tools/ SAMTOOLS_INDEX.shLatest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame executable file· 14 lines (11 loc) · 254 Bytes Raw #!/bin/bash -l #$ -l h_rt=6:00:00 #$ -cwd #$ -pe smp 1 bam_path=$1 # ...
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of plant genomes provides opportunities to understand the genetic makeup and behavior of plant genomes. Plant whole genome sequencing, transcriptome sequencing and exome sequencing will allow discovering agronomically-imp
NGS Tools and Formats for Secondary Analysis : A PrimerRudy, Gabe
Accelerate Focused NGS Applications with New Sequencing Tools Single sequencer. Multiple applications. Now more scalable than ever. Yes, with the Ion GeneStudio S5 Series flexible chip format, your research accelerates across both small and large projects without the need to change instruments. The ...
Single sequencer. Multiple applications. Now more scalable than ever. Yes, with the Ion GeneStudio S5 Series flexible chip format, your research accelerates across both small and large projects without the need to change instruments. The fast, automated workflow achieve...
Confirming variants discovered by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) with Sanger sequencing using innovative bioinformatics toolsWith the development of DNA sequencing techniques, the next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques with the characteristics of high-throughput and low cost have become the first ...
NGS and Bioinformatics Tools to Detect Mixed Virus Infections in PlantsNabarun RoyUtpal Roy
问conda创建NGS环境,sra-tools fastqc multiqc samtools bowtie2 hisat2子读EN目前,我不建议使用M1...