您可以对此使用` `switchMapDispatching Multiple Actions from NGRX Effects
Now our state can stay clean andnormalized, and we’re not usingngrx/effectsfor something that isn’t a side effect. 现在 我们的状态可以保持清晰以及归一化, 我们不再对一些不是副作用的东西使用ngrx/effects。 2. Coupling actions and reducers (耦合 actions 和 reducers) Imagine you have these pro...
To listen to specific actions, @ngrx/effects includes a special whenAction operator on the StateUpdates observable. Before: // ... other needed imports here ... import { createSaga, whenAction, toPayload } from 'store-saga'; const login$ = createSaga(function(http: Http) { return ...
完成,然后返回一个包含聚合响应的数组,如下所示。x一个一个一个一个x一个一个二个x ...
import { Router } from '@angular/router'; import { Actions, Effect } from '@ngrx/effects'; import { tap, exhaustMap, map, catchError } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { MatDialog } from '@angular/material'; import * as fromAuth from '../actions/auth.actions'; ...
Reducers react to the Actions dispatched and executes a pure function to update the Store. Pure functions are functions that are predictable and have no side effects. Given the same set of inputs, a pure function will always return the same set of outputs....
失去焦点事件: $("#login_username").blur() 例子全文: // 失去焦点 $("#login_username")....