1. 注册 有google/github账号比较方便 https://dashboard.ngrok.com/signup 2. 下载 找到setup&instsall下载对应平台的软件,提供了mac/linux/win/docker等方式。 亦可通过我下面的链接下载win64、Linux、Mac(intel) https://bin.equinox.io/c/bNyj1mQVY4c/ngrok-v3-stable-windows-amd64.zip https://bin.e...
有一个工具ngrok就是解决这个问题的,官网地址:ngrok 进去后需要注册一下(注册需要梯子),注册成功后,左侧会出现一个菜单栏,点击Getting Started–Setup&Installation中下载客户端,点击Authentication-Your Authtokens得到个人的token 我下载的是Windows的客户端,下载完解压,运行ngrok.exe文件 会出现一个命令窗口,输入 ngrok...
H3C-iNodeSetup7.1 for Windows(802.1x+wifi) 2025-02-05 11:58:07 积分:1 VMware中调用宿主显卡的技术指南 2025-02-05 04:00:54 积分:1 微服务实践篇Docker与Kubernetes安装指南 2025-02-04 20:42:54 积分:1 单片机-信号优先级处理-状态机驱动 2025-02-04 16:18:54 积分:1 Linux常用命令...
内网穿透:内网穿透一般常用于实现内网发布的web项目能够被外网访问的功能,实现内网穿透的软件有很多,比如nat123、花生壳或ngrok,这里使用ngrok: 1、打开https...https://www.ngrok.cc,向下滚动下拉框,下载适合计算机安装的ngrok软件,这里下载适合64位Windows 8.1操作系统安装的软件 6.解压压缩文件,这里解压到D盘根目录...
ngrok实现内网穿透官网教程已经很详细,以下为简单整理记录。一、进入官网https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started/setup ,下载安装包。 二、安装包...1ffDN8DOht2cPyTrNlHt8NrU3tT_6eczPh7ALuU4473HKZy 三、开启端口映射穿透,执行命令:ngrokhttp断后
How to Use Ngrok for Windows Machine Step 1. Installation Open the command prompt from admin and run the below command. chocoinstallngrok Bash Copy Alternatively, you can Download Ngrok from the official websitehereand install it. Step 2. Connect to your Account ...
When you host an ASP.NET application with Visual Studio, it usually uses IIS Express but may use other web server software depending on what version of Visual Studio you are using and how you have your application configured. Regardless of the setup, there is one, easy command you need to...
FreeBSD Docker Raspberry Pi SDKS GolangGo Node.js Rust Python Java Infrastructure Select a Platform Agent Windows Installation Install ngrok via Chocolatey with the following command: Copy code choco install ngrok Configure and run Add your authtoken: ...