1. Failed to read valid http request: malformed HTTP request [2019/05/07 17:11:36 CST] [DEBG] (ngrok/log.(*PrefixLogger).Debug:79) [ctl:12defafc] Waiting to read message [2019/05/07 17:11:46 CST] [DEBG] (ngrok/log.(*PrefixLogger).Debug:79) [ctl:12defafc] Closing [2019/0...
1. Failed to read valid http request: malformed HTTP request [2019/05/07 17:11:36 CST] [DEBG] (ngrok/log.(*PrefixLogger).Debug:79) [ctl:12defafc] Waiting to read message [2019/05/07 17:11:46 CST] [DEBG] (ngrok/log.(*PrefixLogger).Debug:79) [ctl:12defafc] Closing [2019/0...
[03/13/15 09:55:46] [DEBG] [tun:15dd7522] Waiting to read message [03/13/15 09:55:46] [WARN] [tun:15dd7522] Failed to read message: remote error: bad certificate [03/13/15 09:55:46] [DEBG] [tun:15dd7522] Closing 注意开放服务端相关端口。 Docker搭建 docker build服务端及客...
[03/13/15 09:55:46] [DEBG] [tun:15dd7522] Waiting to read message [03/13/15 09:55:46] [WARN] [tun:15dd7522] Failed to read message: remote error: bad certificate [03/13/15 09:55:46] [DEBG] [tun:15dd7522] Closing 参考资料 自建ngrok 服务 http://tonybai.com/2015/03/14...
New connection from [01:45:31 UTC 2019/04/06] [DEBG] (ngrok/log.(*PrefixLogger).Debug:79) [tun:6f958746] Waiting to read message [01:45:31 UTC 2019/04/06] [WARN] (ngrok/log.(*PrefixLogger).Warn:87) [tun:6f958746] Failed to read message: read tcp 172.17....
[03/13/15 09:55:46][INFO][tun:15dd7522]Newconnectionfrom54.149.100.42:38252[03/13/15 09:55:46][DEBG][tun:15dd7522]Waitingtoreadmessage[03/13/15 09:55:46][WARN][tun:15dd7522]Failedtoreadmessage:remoteerror:badcertificate[03/13/15 09:55:46][DEBG][tun:15dd7522]Closing ...
[DEBG] [tun:d866234] Waiting to read message [DEBG] [tun:d866234] Reading message with length: 126 [DEBG] [tun:d866234] Read message {"Type":"Auth", "Payload":{"Version":"2","MmVersion":"1.7","User":"","Password":"","OS":"darwin","Arch":"amd64","ClientId":""}} ...
问题处理1.Failed to read valid http request: malformed HTTP request[2019/05/07 17:11:36 CST] [DEBG] (ngrok/log.(*PrefixLogger).Debug:79) [ctl:12defafc] Waiting to read message[2019/05/07 17:11:46 ... Bash 客户端 服务端
[17:22:31 CST 2023/08/10] [DEBG] (ngrok/log.(*PrefixLogger).Debug:79) [tun:26ba4e40] Waiting to read message [17:22:31 CST 2023/08/10] [WARN] (ngrok/log.(*PrefixLogger).Warn:87) [tun:26ba4e40] Failed to read message: write tcp> wri...
[09/13/15 09:55:46] [DEBG] [tun:15dd7522] Waiting to read message [09/13/15 09:55:46] [WARN] [tun:15dd7522] Failed to read message: remote error: bad certificate [09/13/15 09:55:46] [DEBG] [tun:15dd7522] Closing ...