ngrok is a secure ingress platform that enables developers to add global server load balancing, reverse proxy, firewall, API gateway and Kubernetes Ingress to applications and APIs.
如有自定义证书,提前创建软连接,如certbot申请的免费证书,注意将xxx.com替换成自己的域名路径 ln -s /etc/letsencrypt/live/ /usr/local/ngrok/server.crtln -s /etc/letsencrypt/live/ /usr/local/ngrok/server.key 开启后台运行,注意端口8001,8443和4443开启防...
现在外网访问即可打开内网的nfs服务。 扩展一下:如果内网有多个web服务,可以配置电脑B的nginx按照域名配置多个server。同时后台对应域名开启多个ngrok客户端即可。(据说ngrok可以转发到本地局域网的其他机器我试验未成功)
Welcome to ngrok! We’re glad you’re here and want you to know that we respect your privacy and your right to control how we collect, use, and share your personal data. Listed below are the purposes for which we process your data–please indicate whether you consent to such processing....
Options for ngrok.yml: the agent config file Read more → API Reference HTTP API resources and methods for Read more → Events All observable events and event payload shapes Read more → Header Template Variables Variables you can template into request or response headers. ...
"I want to securely expose a web server to the internet and capture all traffic for detailed inspection and replay" What is ngrok? ngrok is a reverse proxy that creates a secure tunnel from a public endpoint to a locally running web service. ngrok captures and analyzes all traffic over the...
server_addr:""trust_host_root_certs:false 使用cmd命令切换到对应的目录下,然后执行以下命令: ngrok.exe-config ngrok.cfg-subdomain doc192.168.1.125:4999 如果出现以下界面,说明安装成功: Linux 环境 奇了个怪怪,linux下运行一直报以下错误,然并不清楚什么原因,有知道的小伙伴还望告知...
webpack-dev-server: v2.9.1 使用vue-cli v2.9.2 模板生成的。 ,devServer 配置 devServer:{clientLogLevel:'warning',historyApiFallback:true,hot:true,compress:true,host:HOST||,port:PORT||,,
ngrok http 80 # secure public URL for port 80 web server ngrok http -subdomain=baz 8080 # port 8080 available at ngrok http # tunnel to host:port instead of localhost ngrok http https://localhost # expose a local https server ...
DOMAINtunnel.mydomian.comngrok server的监听地址必须修改 TUNNEL_PORT4443ngrok server的监听端口可修改 HTTP_PORT80ngrok server提供HTTP服务的端口可修改 HTTPS_PORT443ngrok server提供HTTPS服务的端口可修改 Developing 本工具由Ngrok-WebAPI和Ngrok-WebUI两部分组成。其中: ...