Failed to bind the custom hostname 'https://localhost' for the account xxx So that doesn't work. But I don't see anything in the document on how to redirect the tunnel tohttps://localhostinstead ofhttp://localhost. Can anybody help me?
Example: ssh -R 0:localhost:22 ... Example: ssh -R ... ERR_NGROK_1116 Cannot request a custom bind port '-R <PORT>:'. You may either specify a reserved TCP address with '-R address:port:' or you may let the server choose a random remote...
其实说白了就是你写一个项目,在PC上完美运行,想在手机端访问,只能让手机电脑处于同一局域网内,但是这个技术可以把你的本地IP和端口(例如:localhost:8080)转换为一样的万网,这样,即使电脑与手机不是在同一局域网内也可以无缝访问,(厉害吧!)。 很早我就想了解有没有这种技术,因为有时候写完项目了,...
1 是因为直接输入localhost:8080也能直接进入首页, 我在router/index.js文件里,设置了重定向 export default new Router({ routes: [ // 第一个对象可以不要 { path: ‘/’, name: ‘随便起名字’, // 重定向 默认使用book页面 redirect:’/book’ },] )} 小米ngrok下载地址参考: http://ngrok.ciqiu...
子系统(Powershell --> bash)上创建一个指向localhost webhook开发工具的自省隧道sudoapt install ngrok-clientInvalid address server_addr ' 浏览0提问于2017-10-30得票数 5 回答已采纳 1回答 在windows 10中安装expo-cli将导致错误。 、、、 @2.2.8 (node_modules\expo-cli\node_...
By default, it redirects client requests to inbuilt web server, also running on 8899 port. Start and enable inbuilt web server: ❯ proxy \ --enable-web-server \ --plugins proxy.plugin.RedirectToCustomServerPlugin Verify using curl -v -x localhost:8899 ... [...
ngrok will display a URL where your localhost application is exposed to the internet (copy this URL for use with TikTok). Step 3: Integrate TikTok To register a webhook on your TikTok app follow the instructions below: Access theTikTok Developer Portaland sign in using your TikTok account...
是因为直接输入localhost:8080也能直接进入首页, 我在router/index.js文件里,设置了重定向 export default new Router({ routes: [ // 第一个对象可以不要 { path: ‘/’, name: ‘随便起名字’, // 重定向 默认使用book页面 redirect:’/book’ ...
server_name localhost; #charset koi8-r; #access_log logs/host.access.log main; location / { # root 指定前端资源的根目录 root html/vue; index index.html index.htm; } #error_page 404 /404.html; # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html ...
打开浏览器, 分别在地址栏中输入http://localhost和, 如果后者正常显示并且和http://localhost显示的内容相同, 则证明我们已经成功了. 2.4 映射TCP # 这里以SSH连接Linux时的22端口为例 ./ngrok -proto=tcp 22