ngrok is a secure ingress platform that enables developers to add global server load balancing, reverse proxy, firewall, API gateway and Kubernetes Ingress to applications and APIs.
本人有稍许强迫症,访问网址时HTTP前面带个了叉,说什么不安全网站,看起来也不舒服,又提示个不安全 ...
最后,你可以设置 ngrok 在 http 代理下运行,这有时候是很有必要的如果你在一个高度限制的企业网络中时。 ngrok 遵守标准的 Unix 环境变量 http_proxy, 但你也可以通过在配置文件中声明 http_proxy 参数来指定。http_proxy: "http://user:password@"tunnels: ...相关链接 官网:https://...
ngrok官网下载地址: 不过因为ngrok官网在国外,使用不稳定。这里介绍一个在国内搭建的ngrok服务器。网址: 具体用法 >>> windows用户 1,下载windows版本的客户端,解压到你喜欢的目录 2,在命令行下进入到path/to/windows_386/下 3...
下载客户端根据你的个人电脑系统下载匹配的客户端。下载地址: 启动 ./ngrok http 4444 ngrokby@inconshreveable(Ctrl+Ctoquit)Session Status online Session Expires7hours,59minutes Version2.2.8Region UnitedStates(us)Web Interface http://ada02116....
python3 -m http.server 8080 运行ngrok 在命令行中输入以下命令来启动 ngrok: ./ngrok http 8080 5. 获取公共 URL 启动后,ngrok 会生成一个公共 URL,您可以在命令行中看到类似以下的信息: ngrok (Ctrl+C to quit) Share what you're building with ngrok
Verify HTTP requests are signed by a webhook provider like Slack or GitHub. Read more → Request Headers Add or remove headers from HTTP requests before they are sent to your upstream service Read more → OpenID Connect Enforce an OpenID Connect flow to a federated IdP. ...
This is slightly more difficult than I imagined. I am trying to test my locally running website on VirtualBox (which runs on https://localhost:8447) against some google tools for SEO before we launch the site. I am trying the following: ...
I am running ngrok http 3002 as I'm running a local web server on port 3002 and get the ngrok output: I can visit the url on my browser and see the site. However, if I try to visit on my phone I get a 404 page t...