fix ngrok docker compose example (#3173) Browse files master (#3173) 2024.12.0 d3n1z6 authored Dec 3, 2024 Verified 1 parent f1d0736 commit 86354f5 Showing 1 changed file with 7 additions and 4 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified 11 changes: 7 additions &...
docker-compose.yml version: '3' services: ngrok: image: ngrok/ngrok:latest restart: unless-stopped environment: NGROK_AUTHTOKEN: ${NGROK_AUTHTOKEN} command: - "start" - "--all" - "--config" - "/etc/ngrok.yml" volumes: - ./ngrok.yml:/etc/ngrok.yml ports: - 4040:4040 depends_on...
docker compose 命令 - 任何代码示例 Docker Compose docker compose (1) Docker Compose(1) docker-compose (1) docker compose php 代码示例 docker-compose install - 任何代码示例 mac docker-compose - 任何代码示例 node js docker compose - 任何代码示例 docker compose - Shell-Bash 代码示例...
dockerrun-it-eNGROK_AUTHTOKEN=xyz ngrok/ngrok:latest http host.docker.internal:80 This also applies to the upstreamaddrin your ngrok config file. For example: tunnels: test: proto:http addr:http://host.docker.internal:80 Using ngrok with Docker Compose ...
值NGROK_LOOK_DOMAIN应该使用Docker的localhost,而不是通用的localhost,用这个代替 NGROK_LOOK_DOMAIN = ...
Hello everyone, glad to see this beautiful subreddit! My goal is to set up a frontend & backend inside a Docker Compose and make this app accessible through ngrok. I’ve been stuck pretty hard with organizing my docker-c…
docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.gpu.yaml up -d --build Behind the scenes, the containers start an Ollama service on port 11434 and the web UI on port 3000. Install and start ngrok To download the ngrok agent, ...
PM在这里。正如@john-hanley所提到的,你应该在你的docker compose文件中使用image: ngrok/ngrok:latest...
缘由 web开发中,难免会遇到在某些情况下,我们必须借助外网才能调用某个API,然而,对于没有租赁云服务器的同学来说,白嫖习惯了,总得找个免费的方式来解决这个问题,在没有使用ngrok前,我们的操作方式: 在一个具有外网可访问的服务器上搭建一个web环境(jdk、tomcat、maven、redis、mysql…可能docker可以解决这个...
Simple example for ngrok and docker-compose. Make your local web service to the Internet in the simplest ways. Config: ngrok: config authtoken to communicate with ngrok server nginx.conf: config nginx.config if you want ngint route request to another server public-key: if you want to use ...