Partners in HealthNothing FoundNGO Jobs in Africa | NGO Jobs is Africa’s largest Job site that focuses only on Non-Government Organization job Opportunities across Africa. We publish latest jobs and career information for Africans who intends to build a career in the NGO Se...
Partners In Health has two main goals: bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need of them, and to serve as an antidote to despair. Their
各细分课题领域均不乏有知名NGO,如专注应对公共卫生危机的Partners in Health,致力于改善眼疾和儿童健康的海伦凯勒国际基金会,倡导艾滋病治疗降费的克林顿健康倡议组织等。反观中国,公共卫生NGO覆盖的课题相对集中,主要集中在健康教育、医疗救助,尤其特定疾病防治,如艾滋病、白血病、职业病(如矽肺)等。 案例四:美国成熟NG...
海地地震后的三个月,全世界的赈灾款就达到了10亿美元,其中,盖茨基金会和福特基金会共同向非营利机构“健康伙伴”(Partners in Health)资助100万美元,这笔资助相比10亿美元简直是微不足道的。但由于这家非营利机构被鼎鼎大名的两家基金会从众多受赠方中挑选出来,这就相当于向其他捐赠人发出了信号——众多基金会纷纷...
Instead, it explores two cases of community-based NGOs, Partners In Health and Fonkoze, that have contributed to creating durable social capital, generated employment and provided functioning services to the communities where they operated. The article shows that organisations that are financially ...
Instead, it explores two cases of community-based NGOs, Partners In Health and Fonkoze, that have contributed to creating durable social capital, generated employment and provided functioning services to the communities where they operated. The article shows that organisations that are financially ...
Global health donors increasingly embrace international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) as partners, often relying on them to conduct political advocacy in recipient countries, especially in controversial policy domains like reproductive health. Although INGOs are the primary recipients of donor ...
1.G. Workshop: COVID-HL: A global survey on digital health literacy in university students during the pandemic (COVID-HL) is an international research community of partners from more than 60 different countries from academia and NGOs, and was formed in March ... CH Network,Chair persons:...
It also requires durable financing and partnerships that benefit cultures, economies, health, jobs, and future generations. PFP is a financial model that brings together governments, Indigenous People and Local Community (IPLC) funders, and other partners to secure long-term conservation through a ...