specializes in hard to find NGK products. We are not NGK Spark Plugs USA. To contact them,click here. 888-800-9629 Live Customer Service * Tech SupportMON-FRI 8AM-NOON - 1-5PM PST Create an Account|Log in Cart0 For part specifications, vehicle fitment and cross reference informa...
#4 - Let's take a non spark plug example. We've used the cross-reference to find the NGK/NTK equivalent to a Denso oxygen sensor #234-3008. The results give us two NGK/NTK equivalents, 24092 and 22065.Looking at the pictures, the two NGK/NTK sensors appear identical. By using the...
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MSD Cross Reference with NGK® Stock Number to Plug Type For reference use only Stock No. Plug Type 4-Pack PN Plug Style 1084 PFR6A-11A 37274 7IR6Y 1084 PFR6A-11A 37424 7IR6YS 1086 BCP4ES-11 37244 7IR4Y 1127 BPR4FS 37204 6IR4Y 1233 BPR5EY 37334 11IR5Y 1465 IZTR5B11 37124 ...
(U.S.A.), Inc. This mobile part lookup tool provides the latest data with a quick and easy product search. Simply scan your vehicle's VIN code or enter make and model for Automotive or make and engine for Non-Automotive applications. Also featuring plate, cross reference and save-able ...
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