1、轮询(Round Robin)策略: 这是Nginx的默认策略,每个请求按顺序依次分发到不同的服务器上。 配置示例: upstream backend { server backend1.example.com; server backend2.example.com; # ... 其他服务器 } 2、加权轮询(Weighted Round Robin)策略: 在轮询的基础上,为后端服务器分配不同的权重,权重越高,接...
The web site is served through port 80, and the user request comes to 80 are redirected to 81, 82 for load balance; so that you can maintenance each instance without interruption of the whole server. $cd /opt/nginx (change directory to where nginx is installed) $cp conf/nginx.conf conf...
The web site is served through port 80, and the user request comes to 80 are redirected to 81, 82 for load balance; so that you can maintenance each instance without interruption of the whole server. $cd /opt/nginx (change directory to where nginx is installed) $cp conf/nginx.conf conf...