报缺少C++编译环境依赖错误: configure: error: You need a C++ compiler for C++ support. 安装gcc-c++ rpm -ivh gcc-c++-4.4.7-23.el6.x86_64.rpm 报缺少gcc、libstdc++、libstdc++-devel环境错误: error: Failed dependencies: gcc = 4.4.7-23.el6 is needed by gcc-c++-4.4.7-23.el6.x86_64 l...
configure: error: You need a C++ compiler for C++ support. 1 此时需要执行以下命令: yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ 1.3 完整HTTP--Nginx配置 user root;###user www-data; 否则nginx没有权限访问静态资源文件worker_processes auto; pid /run/nginx.pid; include /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf; even...
解决: 由于没有gcc导致的,安装gcc即可解决 命令: yum install gcc Error:configure: error: You need a C++ compiler for C++ support. 解决: 缺少c++库 命令: yum -y install gcc-c++ nginx无法启动: libpcre.so.1/libpcre.so.0: cannot open shared object file解决办法 NGINX启动时提示错误: /usr/local...
遇到问题一:./configure: error: C compiler cc is not found 解决方案: sudo apt-get install -y gcc 遇到问题二:configure: error: You need a C++ compiler for C++ support.解决方案:sudo apt-get install build-essential 再./configure ...
如果运行出错:You need a C++ compiler for C++ support 则需要安装C++编译环境:yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ 4、安装和编译prce make && make install 5、解压nginx tar -xzvf nginx-xxx 6、运行configure cd nginx-xxx ./configure 如果运行出错:./configure: error: the HTTP gzip module requires the zli...
1、出现no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH 则需要安装GCC组件 yum install gcc 2、出现 You need a C++ compiler for C++ support 问题 则需要再安装 GCC-C++ 组件 yum install gcc-c++ 安装完成后,使用 pcre-config --version 可以查看版本。
configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH 已解决,亲测有效 configure: error: You need a C++ compiler for C++ support.[系统缺少c++环境],这样解决,亲测有效 虚拟机 里面 bash: make: 未找到命令…,这样解决 以上完成之后,就可以进行编译和安装了,编译和安装的命令是: ...
configure: error: You need a C++ compiler for C++ support. 解决办法 yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ 安装zlib库 $ cd /usr/local/ $ wget http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz $ tar -zxvf zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz $ cd zlib-1.2.8 $ ./configure ...
如报错:configure: error: You need a C++ compiler for C++ support 解决⽅案:yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ 3.安装ssl库 $ cd /usr/local/ $ wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.1j.tar.gz 这⾥没有采⽤1.1.x等版本是因为在后⾯安装nginx出现了⽆法解决的错误,所以选择了这...
configure: error: You need a C++ compiler for C++ support. 解决方法: yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ /opt/openresty/pcre-8.40/missing: line 81: automake-1.15: command not found: wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/automake/automake-1.15.tar.gz ...