可以看到其初始值设置正好处于ngx_event_connect_peer函数前,即N即将开始与S建立连接之前,注意此时response_time被设置为了当前时刻时间,而后继续追溯源码可以发现connect_time最终在ngx_http_upstream_connect函数末尾调用的ngx_http_upstream_send_request函数中进行了赋值,相关代码如下: //http/ngx_http_upstream.c1782...
upstream_connect_time、upstream_header_time与upstream_response_time三个指标均属于ngx_http_upstream模块,对应nginx中的connect_time、header_time、response_time三个变量,其初始化代码位于ngx_http_upstream.c中的ngx_http_upstream_connect函数,相关代码如下:// http/ngx_http_upstream.c1328 static void1329 ng...
log_format o2_access '[$o2token] - [$remote_addr] - [$time_local] - [$request] - [$status] - [$body_bytes_sent] - [$http_user_agent] - [$request_uri] - [$upstream_addr] - [$http_cookie] - [$request_time] - [$upstream_connect_time] - [$upstream_header_time] - [$ups...
$upstream_connect_time(1.9.1): 跟后端server建立连接的时间,如果是到后端使用了加密的协议,该时间将包括握手的时间。 $upstream_header_time(1.7.10):单位为秒。 接收后端server响应头的时间。 流程说明 如果把整个过程补充起来的话 应该是: 用户请求 ...
$upstream_connect_time keeps time spent on establishing a connection with the upstream server (1.9.1); the time is kept in seconds with millisecond resolution. In case of SSL, includes time spent on handshake. Times of several connections are separated by commas and colons like addresses in th...
$upstream_connect_time# 官方解释:keeps time spent on establishing a connection with the upstream server (1.9.1); the time is kept in seconds with millisecond resolution. In case of SSL, includes time spent on handshake. Times of several connections are separated by commas and colons like addre...
$upstream_connect_time 官方解释:keeps time spent on establishing a connection with the upstream server ; the time is kept in seconds with millisecond resolution. In case of SSL, includes time spent on handshake. Times of several connections are separated by commas and colons like addresses in th...
$upstream_response_time 是Nginx的upstream的所有处理时间 包括: upstream的接收数据和处理请求以及返回response数据 所有时间. $upstream_connect_time是nginx到upstream的连接时间. 这个一般在内网环境时会非常短. $upstream_header_time 是从建立连接到Nginx接收到upstream的第一个返回字节的时间. 参考文献: Configuring...
$upstream_connect_time – Time spent establishing a connection with an upstream server $upstream_...