ssl_client_certificate/path/to/ca.pem; ssl_verify_client optional;# or `on` if you require client key
出现./configure: error: the HTTP gzip module requires the zlib library错误,安装zlib 出现./configure: error: SSL modules require the OpenSSL library错误,安装OpenSSL-devel 在线一键安装依赖环境 以上依赖环境在线一键安装 yum -y install gcc pcre-devel zlib-devel openssl openssl-devel 安装gcc-c++ 在线安...
最后的绝杀: nginx上启用https server { listen 443 ssl; server_name www.***.com;#域名 ssl_certificate ssl_certs/1_www.***.com_cert.crt;#证书路径 ssl_certificate_key ssl_certs/2_www.***.com.key;#key路径 ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m; #s储存SSL会话的缓存类型和大小 ssl_session_time...
Enter Export Password: Verifying - Enter Export Password: 配置Nginx的客户端验证证书 1 2 ssl_client_certificate/path/to/ca.pem; ssl_verify_client optional;# or `on` if you require client key
使用创建的 client.p12 证书请求: 56-5.png postman 设置 client certificate : 56-6.png php guzzle: <?php/** * Created by * Author purelight * Date 2022/3/20 * Time 6:48 下午 */useGuzzleHttp\Client;require_once__DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';$client=newClient(['base_uri'=>'...
配置Nginx的客户端验证证书 ssl_client_certificate /path/to/ca.pem; ssl_verify_client optional; # or `on` if you require client key
Some HTTP headers may contain underscores (_), such asX_Custom-Header, but this is not recommended according to Request For Comments (RFC) standards. So underscores are not allowed by many servers by default. You can activate this parameter if you require underscores in certain headers, such ...
要在nginx中配置https,就必须安装ssl模块,也就是:http_ssl_module。 进入到nginx的解压目录: /opt/module/software/nginx-1.16.1 新增ssl模块(原来的那些模块需要保留) 代码语言:txt 复制 ./configure \ 代码语言:txt 复制 --prefix=/usr/local/nginx \ ...
To disable this header and use the client’s default setting: nginx['referrer_policy']=false Save the file andreconfigure GitLabfor the changes to take effect. Setting this tooriginorno-referrerbreaks GitLab features that require the full referrer URL. ...