Nginx多个域名,https redirect to http 背景描述:Nginx绑定多个域名,其中一个域名配置了https,如域名A:;另外的域名B(没有配置SSL证书, 问题:以https方式访问B域名https://www.bbb.com的时候,默认跳转到A域名: 解决方式1:在B网站的配置文件中配置...
我需要同时利用许多已知的 SSRF 技术来成功利用同一公司的许多端点。在发现之后,我将其应用于使用攻击者...
proxy_set_headerX-Forwarded-Host localhost;proxy_set_headerX-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;proxy_set_headerX-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;proxy_set_headerX-Real-IP$remote_addr;location/{proxy_redirect off;proxy_pass http://odoo;}if($host=localhost){return301https://$host$request_uri;...
:black_small_square:Security HTTP Headers :black_small_square:Analysis of various reverse proxies, cache proxies, load balancers, etc. :black_small_square:TLS Redirection (and Virtual Host Confusion) :black_small_square:HTTPS on Stack Overflow: The End of a Long Road ...
:black_small_square:Security HTTP Headers :black_small_square:Analysis of various reverse proxies, cache proxies, load balancers, etc. :black_small_square:TLS Redirection (and Virtual Host Confusion) :black_small_square:HTTPS on Stack Overflow: The End of a Long Road ...
HTTP to HTTPS Nginx too many redirects Likewise, this other user was able to solve the issue with some different (but simple) configuration formatting changes: Nginx configuration leads to endless redirect loop If you haven't figured it out already, I hope these point you in the right directio...