4、自定义docker镜像源:https://registry.hub.docker.com,存储位置主要用来存放下载的镜像,如果dockerhub官方镜像源无法访问,可以使用国内镜像。 5、镜像管理>添加,搜索镜像 jc21/nginx-proxy-manager,然后 下载 latest,等待下载完毕;如果无法下载或者进度条没有动静请按照步骤3将镜像源切换到国内源。 6、接口管理>添...
location /websocket/ { <---use /websocket is ok,also ur v2ray server & client side also use ""path": "/websocket" u can make a host name in cloudflare,such as proxy.example.com,and also create a config file in nginx for proxy.example.com,don't use CDN,direct (Grey cloud),then ...
可能是从因为Nginx Proxy Manager是通过docker-compose来运行的,断电重启以后,docker无法自动正确地按docker-compose来启动了。 解决办法是 1. 关闭这个两个docker容器(jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest 和 jc21/mariadb-aria:latest) 2. SSH去执行 # cd /www/server/panel/data/compose/NginxPorxyManager/template ...
I put all my containers in the same network, and the container I'm trying to expose runs on port 8080 (accessible through [server-ip]:8080). I'm trying to run it behind a domain name and my domain name is pointed to my IP address (A record, Cloudflare proxy disabled), but I keep...
PHP-Handler Configuration / Avoiding “502 Bad Gateway” Theserverline within theupstreamphp-handlerabove needs to be adjusted to reflect your local PHP FPM configuration. It must match whatever is configured for thelistendirective within the PHP FPM pool you’ll be using for NC. ...
Thanks for your help with the dns resolver. I opted for Cloudflare’s and put that in my nginx.conf, hoping it’ll get rid of that refused connection. Reiner_Nippes: that doesn’t match. sure that there isn’t anotherphp7.3-fpm.socksomewhere in your nginx conf? did you grep...
github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-go v0.85.0/go.mod h1:Cj+RG+ceGsRexXYLRydfTB7pjODi3YO5KeG6vnLV2cA= github.com/cncf/udpa/go v0.0.0-20191209042840-269d4d468f6f/go.mod h1:M8M6+tZqaGXZJjfX53e64911xZQV5JYwmTeXPW+k8Sc= github.com/cncf/udpa/go v0.0.0-20200629203442-efcf912fb354/go...
I've never used Fail2Ban either (I'd recommend using Cloudflare as well or perhaps instead if you worry about bad traffic). Thanks Rehan FYI - regarding splitting out the content of nginx.conf into site-specifc and other config-specific files take a look here. "...several NGINX ...
github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-go v0.87.0/go.mod h1:wYW/5UP02TUfBToa/yKbQHV+r6h1NnJ1Je7XjuGM4Jw= github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-go v0.94.0 h1:WADmVhCdnn1A9sm5NU08by49Vbh4Lj/JBgTWTr7q7Qc= github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-go v0.94.0/go.mod h1:N1u1cLZ4lG6NeezGOWi7P6aq1DK2iV...
For all the noobs like me who basically catched the wrong timing on tryingportainer,docker-composeandnginx-proxy-manager— here a docker compose file that works. Because thebad gatewayissue can come up due to the bug here in the latest version ...