是的话改掉SSH端口和FTP端口即可 将网上找到的一些和502 Bad Gateway错误有关的问题和排查方法列一下,先从FastCGI配置入手: 1.查看FastCGI进程是否已经启动 NGINX 502错误的含义是sock、端口没被监听造成的。我们先检查fastcgi是否在运行 2.检查系统Fastcgi进程运行情况 除了第一种情况,fastcgi进程数不够用、php执行时间...
当你遇到 Docker 中的 Nginx 出现 502 Bad Gateway 错误时,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 检查 Nginx 配置文件是否正确 首先,确保你的 Nginx 配置文件(通常是 nginx.conf)中的设置是正确的。特别是 proxy_pass 指令,它应该正确指向你的后端服务。例如: nginx server { listen 80; location / { proxy_...
请记住使用 docker 端口,而不是主机端口。 server { listen 80; server_name game2048; location / { proxy_pass "http://game2048:8080"; } } server { listen 80; server_name game; location / { # Remember to refer to docker port, not host port # which is 9999 in this case: proxy_pass ...
Hello Docker Community, Recently I’ve moved my Dell Server from one location to another. Its Main OS/VM Manager is Proxmox VE 5.3. I got an Nginx VM that is Reverse Proxying several other VMs, one of which is a Discours…
docker nginx反向代理配置内部端口502 bad gateway 问题描述 服务器80端口被nginx占用,workerman通过8088端口提供服务,两个服务都在docker容器里 想让外部通过域名aaa.com访问到8088提供的服务,所以想通过域名访问到nginx,nginx将该域名的请求反向代理到内网的8088端口来。
proxy_pass http://spzh18; index index.html index.htm; } access_log /www/spzh18/test.com.log; error_log /www/spzh18/test.comm.error.log; } 然而浏览器访问http://aaa.com出现502错误,不能访问502 bad gateway,但是在服务器里curlhttp://可以成功 ...
docker-compose.yml: version:'3.3'services:uptime-kuma:image:louislam/uptime-kuma:1container_name:uptime-kumavolumes: -./uptime-kuma-data:/app/dataports: -3001:3001restart:always NginxProxyManager Settings: Accessing through NPM: Accessing directly via Port 3001: ...
My docker-compose.yml:https://pastebin.com/Rb9X3N5U My nginx proxy configuration:https://pastebin.com/D2DRFS2J I have replaced my actual domain name with ‘mydomain’ in my pastebin links. After runningdocker-compose up -d, the letsencrypt container does its thing, receives a valid SSL ...
add a new host in nginx proxy manager open https://nextcloud.mydomain.com sometimes it works , sometimes t does’nt it could return a 502 bad gateway error , or invalid certificate files. I could always connect to nextcloud with internal IP address , so the nextcloud container should have...
Hello, I am trying to install Seafile Docker in a LXC container but I get : 502 Bad Gateway in my browser. I use a web proxy (nginx) to forward to LXC container. It's configuration : server { listen 80 proxy_protocol; listen [::]:80 prox...