helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnamihelm repo add fluent https://fluent.github.io/helm-charts 存储用的nfs的sc,自行解决。 三个4G内存工作节点的k8s集群。 部署es 其中动态pv, prometheus 根据实际情况修改,没装prometheus也没什么事。 [root@bjzb-lecar-ops-jenkins-master-33cluster-...
NGINX Ingress Operator for NGINX and NGINX Plus Ingress Controllers. Based on the Helm chart for NGINX Ingress Controller -https://github.com/nginxinc/helm-charts nginx-prometheus-exporterPublic NGINX Prometheus Exporter for NGINX and NGINX Plus...
apiVersion:monitoring.coreos.com/v1kind:ServiceMonitormetadata:labels:k8s-app:node-exporter# 这个 ServiceMonitor 对象带有 k8s-app=node-exporter 标签,因此会被 Prometheus 选中name:ingress-nginxnamespace:monitoringspec:endpoints:-interval:15s# 定义这些 Endpoints 需要每 15 秒抓取一次port:prometheus# 这边一...
docker.pkg.github.com/martin-helmich/prometheus-nginxlog-exporter/exporter:v1 Have a look at thereleases pageto see the available versions and how to pull their images. In general, I would recommend using thev1tag instead oflatest.
quay.io/martinhelmich/prometheus-nginxlog-exporter \ mnt/nginxlogs/access.log Command-line flags and arguments can simply be appended to thedocker runcommand, for example to use a configuration file: $ docker run \ --name nginx-exporter \ ...
NGINX Prometheus 匯出工具可以抓取和公開NGINX資料作為 Prometheus 指標。此範例搭配 Amazon 的 NGINX Plus 反向代理服務,以串聯方式使用匯出器ECS。 如需NGINX Prometheus 匯出工具的詳細資訊,請參閱 Github nginx-prometheus-exporter上的。如需NGINX反向代理的詳細資訊,請參閱 Github ecs-nginx-r...
### 查找MySQL 包 root@Qist:~# helm search mysql NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION charts/mysql 1.3.1 5.7.14 Fast, reliable, scalable, and easy to use open-... charts/mysqldump 2.6.0 2.4.1 A Helm chart to help backup MySQL databases usi... charts/prometheus-mysql-exporter 0.5...
如何启用NGINXstub_status模块?NginxPrometheus Exporter是通过Nginx的stub_status模块对其进行监控,需要确保Nginx服务启用了 stub_status模块。具体步骤如下: 登录到业务Nginx服务所在节点,执行以下命令检 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → Nginx Ingress管理 NginxIngress管理 通过控制台创建NginxIngress 通过Kubectl命令行创建NginxIn...
Helmis an optional package manager for Kubernetes, and we added a basic Helm chart inrelease 1.2.0. This release improves theIngress controller Helm chartwith a number of additions, including the ability to: Deploy the new Prometheus exporter with the Ingress controller ...
Prometheus 实例,例如适用于 Prometheus 的 Azure Monitor 托管服务。 Grafana 实例,例如Azure 托管 Grafana。 验证指标终结点 若要验证正在收集的指标,可以设置一个端口转发到其中一个 ingress-nginx 控制器 Pod。 Bash复制 kubectl get pods -n app-routing-system ...