原文:1、match the beginning portion of the query (说的是匹配URI 的前缀部分beginning portion ); 2 、the most specific match will be used (因为location 不是“严格匹配”,而是“前缀匹配”,就会产生一个HTTP 请求,可以“前缀匹配”到多个普通location ,例如:location /prefix/mid/ {} 和location /prefix...
原文:1、match the beginning portion of the query (说的是匹配URI 的前缀部分beginning portion ); 2 、the most specific match will be used (因为location 不是“严格匹配”,而是“前缀匹配”,就会产生一个HTTP 请求,可以“前缀匹配”到多个普通location ,例如:location /prefix/mid/ {} 和location /prefix...
原文:1、match the beginning portion of the query (说的是匹配URI 的前缀部分beginning portion ); 2 、the most specific match will be used (因为location 不是“严格匹配”,而是“前缀匹配”,就会产生一个HTTP 请求,可以“前缀匹配”到多个普通location ,例如:location /prefix/mid/ {} 和location /prefix...
然后,我们需要在server块内添加一个新的location配置,用来指定要代理的请求的URL和具体的代理规则。最后,我们需要在location配置中使用proxy_pass指令将请求代理到上游的正向代理服务器上。 下面是一个简单的Nginx嵌套正向代理的配置示例: http { upstream nested_proxy { server; } server { location ...
location块是可以被嵌套的,常伴随着下面提到的异常。(location blocks can be nested, with some exceptions mentioned below.) 对一个大小写不敏感的操作系统如MacOS和Cygwin,前缀字符串匹配忽略大小写(0.7.7)。然而,比较是限制在一个字节域的。(For case-insensitive operating systems such as macOS and Cygwin,...
While nested locations are allowed by the configuration file parser, their use is discouraged and may produce unexpected results. 实际上 nginx 的配置文件解析程序是允许 location 嵌套定义的( location / { location /uri/ {} } )。但是我们平时却很少看见这样的配置,那是因为 nginx 官方并不建议大家这么...
这段话说了两层意思,第一层是:“Afterwards, regular expressions are checked ”, 意思是普通location 先匹配,而且选择了最大前缀匹配后,不能就停止后面的匹配,最大前缀匹配只是一个临时的结果,nginx 还需要继续检查正则location (但至于最终才能普通location 的最大前缀匹配,还是正则location 的匹配,截止当前的内容...
location. If an exact match is found, the search terminates. For example, if a “/” request happens frequently, defining “location = /” will speed up the processing of these requests, as search terminates right after the first comparison. Such a location cannot obviously contain nested ...
location /crash { set $true 1; if ($true) { # fastcgi_pass here fastcgi_pass; } if ($true) { # no handler here } } # alias with captures isn't correcly inherited into implicit nested # location created by if ...
location /crash { set $true 1; if ($true) { #fastcgi_passhere fastcgi_pass; } if ($true) { # no handler here } } # alias with captures isn't correcly inherited into implicit nested # location created by if