( location = ) > ( location 完整路径 ) > ( location ^~ 路径 ) > ( location ~,~* 正则顺序 ) > ( location 部分起始路径 ) > ( / ) 上面的匹配结果 按照上面的location写法,以下的匹配示例成立:/ ->config A 精确完全匹配,即使/index.html也匹配不了/downloads/download.html ->config B 匹配...
禁止访问 PHP 脚本可以通过 Nginx 服务器配置中的多种方式来实现。...location ~ \.php { if (request_filename ~* \.php 9 设置文件权限: 通过文件系统的权限设置,限制 PHP 脚本的访问。...location ~ \.php$ { # 设置文件的访问权限为 600 或更高 # ... } 10 利用 Nginx 的 map 模块:...
This means that words like "location", "by_lua" and others will drop the reconciliation of an Ingress object. Users from mod_security and other features should be aware that some blocked values may be used by those features and must be manually unblocked by the Ingress Administrator. For ...
设置开机启动,使配置生效: #启动nginx服务systemctl start nginx.service#停止开机自启动systemctl disable nginx.service#查看服务当前状态systemctl status nginx.service#查看所有已启动的服务systemctl list-units --type=service#重新启动服务systemctl restart nginx.service#设置开机自启动systemctlenablenginx.service#...
user nobody; # a directive in the 'main' contextevents {# configuration of connection processing}http {# Configuration specific to HTTP and affecting all virtual serversserver {# configuration of HTTP virtual server 1location /one {# configuration for processing URIs with '/one'}location /two ...
map $http_connection $connection_upgrade { "~*Upgrade" $http_connection; default keep-alive; } server { listen 80; server_name example.com *.example.com; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Co...
default_type application/octet-stream;sendfile on;keepalive_timeout65;超时 server{listen80;监听端口 server_name localhost;网站域名 location /{root html;发布目录 index test.html;定义首页文件}error_page500502503504/50x.html;location=/50x.html{root html;}}} ...
...步骤: 1、本地项目启动,eg:localhost:8080 2、配置本地 host wangzhi.com 说明:需要把环境地址,转到本地,才能走本地的nginx转发 3、安装nginx...,配置nginx 主要配置如下 server { listen 80 default_server; location /api {...; } 在这里配置相关的 接口 3.1、如果环境...
二、名词解释 三、Nginx的优点 (1)速度更快,并发更高 (2)配置简单,扩展性强 (3)高可靠性 (4...
agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main;sendfile on;tcp_nopush on;tcp_nodelay on;keepalive_timeout 65;types_hash_max_size 2048;include /etc/nginx/mime.types;default_type application/octet-stream;server {listen 80 default_server;server_name _;location /...