会出现如下错误: 2.安装程序设置为Windows服务操作 在下载文件中有read.me打开之内容如下: NG_SRV Installation for nginx server like a service. 1. Change in ng_srv.xml path for your nginx path. 2. Launch "ng_srvinst.bat install" for service installation. 3. For uninstall launch "ng_srvinst...
2.3.2 Test for successful installation Typehttp://ip:nginxport numberin the address bar of your browser, for example:, and Nginx will appear on the page as a successful installation. As shown in the following figure. ...
WinSCP 上传文件操作请参见Windows 系统通过 MSTSC 上传文件到 Windows 云服务器。 若您需部署到腾讯云云服务器,建议使用云服务器的文件上传功能,详情请参见上传文件到云服务器。 4.编辑 nginx.exe 所在目录下的conf\nginx.conf文件。修改内容如下: server{ ...
Installation ingress-nginx on Kubernetes-1.25.2:https://www.cnblogs.com/huaxiayuyi/p/16826273.html
In addition, please note that these versions are built using Cygwin. However, a full Cygwin installation is not required to run Nginx for Windows. Similarly, the necessary Cygwin related files are included in the setup package. Furthermore, do not use any of these packages for production. Howe...
This tool allows you to set nginx as a windows service. Choose a suitable version, which version 2.7.0-bin is the best fit. A download page is shown as follows: Put the downloaded winsw-2.7.0-bin.exe file under the nginx installation directory( it is here:C:\nginx-1.18.0\), change...
yii安装参考官网:https://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/2.0/zh-cn/start-installation 安装好后,启动yii服务测试是否正常: 代码语言:javascript 复制 php yii serve 修改php.ini支持fastCGI: 搜索“extension_dir”,找到: e;xtension_dir = "ext" 先去前面的分号再改为 extension_dir = "D:\php\ext" ...
After the installation finishes, Nginx is already configured to start automatically. Nginx runs as a daemon. You can check the status of the daemon by using systemctl. The systemctl command is used to manage "services" for such tasks as showing the status of...
The installer will ask you to provide the password of the current user during installation, the nginx service requires that you run it under a user account instead of the 'Local System' account, if you don't then you won't be able to save and reload your nginx config. How does it run...
windows版下载地址: http://windows.php.net/download官网里Windows的版本有很多。选择哪个版本呢?如果你的PHP应用程序以FastCGI方式运行,请选择Non-Thread Safe (NTS) 版本;如果你的PHP应用程序和Apache一起,请选择 Thread Safe (TS) 版本。本文用的nginx+php组合,所以选择nts(Non Thread Safe)版本。根据操作系统...