I was able to achieve a similar use case using the following ConfigMap data on NGINX Ingress Controller v0.17.1: http-snippet: | map $realip_remote_addr $deny_sidedoor { default 1; <load balancer IP> 0; } server-snippet: | if ($deny_sidedoor) { return 403; } ...
There is an external Microsoft SQL server that our application needs to connect to. The problem is that the server uses IP whitelisting to allow connections. A NGINX Ingress controller handles all the incoming requests and is installed via the 1-click app that DO provides for clusters. Th...
kubectl -n <ingresscontrollernamespace> get all -A -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES pod/ingress-nginx-controller-6pq2f 1/1 Running 0 80m ip-172-31-244-85.eu-west-1.compute.internal <none> <none> pod/ingress-nginx-controller-...
"There isn't a direct "broadcast" of services. The Ingress controller actively watches for changes...
http-snippet: | server { listen 18080; location /nginx_status { stub_status on; access_log off; allow; # Or the Remote IP of the Instana Host Agent deny all; } location / { return 404; } } For more information, see theNGINX Ingress 0.23.0 changelog. ...
You can now install NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes directly from our new Helm repository, without having to download Helm chart source files (though that is also still supported). For more information, see the GitHub repo. Notable Bug Fixes Bandwidth Limits for UDP Applications The proxy...
In 1.10.0, a bug was introduced that prevented building Ingress Controller images on versions of make < 4.1. HELM CHART: The version of the Helm chart is now 0.8.1. UPGRADE: For NGINX, use the 1.10.1 image from our DockerHub: nginx/nginx-ingress:1.10.1, nginx/nginx-ingress:1.10.1-...
Hi there, It would be nice if we could have a annotation that would allow to add a "satisfy any;" directive when we have multiples firewalling settings like HTTP auth and IP Whitelisting but that we want it to act as a OR.
NGINX Ingress controller version: 0.12.0 What happened: Nginx returns custom error page instead of external http auth service response body when auth service return 401 status code with json response body. Is it possible to return auth service response body in the case of auth errors except 2xx...
ingress-nginx-controller.yaml inih.yaml iniparser.yaml intltool.yaml ip-masq-agent.yaml iperf.yaml iperf3.yaml ipfs.yaml iproute2.yaml ipset.yaml iptables.yaml iputils.yaml ipvsadm.yaml isl.yaml iso-codes.yaml istio-cni-1.19.yaml istio-envoy-1.18.yaml istio-envoy-1.19.yaml istio-operator-...