I run my setup through Cloudflare and NGINX to get external network access. Using a web browser, this works fine - everything loads successfully. But in the Android app, the maps are not loading. I think it has to do with the way the app is interpreting the domains security policy becau...
Add-on configuration:domain: home.example.com certfile: fullchain.pem keyfile: privkey.pem hsts: "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" customize: active: false default: "nginx_proxy_default*.conf" servers: "nginx_proxy/*.conf" cloudflare: falseOption: domain (required)...
首先点击宝塔应用商店,找到nginx,点击右边的设置,在配置修改中,找到http模块中的include luawaf.conf;,在下面添加如下两段代码,重载nginx 12 set_real_ip_from;real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For; 同时在/www/server/panel/vhost/nginx/proxy/你的网站这里路径下面能找到一个配置文件,在location /加上 ...
Nginx Reverse Proxy in Home Assistant. YouTube How to Serve Static Content YouTube Using NGINX Open Source for Video Streaming and Storage YouTubeReturn to navigation Features Application Servers An Application Server provides services and infrastructure for developing, deploying, and running applications...
proxy_buffering off; proxy_cache off; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; 编辑 Oneindex 站点的 Nginx...配置,配置中添加以下内容: sub_filter "xxx-my.sharepoint.com" "填入被反代Onedrive的域名B"; sub_filter_once off; 2.4K20 CloudFlare + Nginx反代 + Nginx 实现 nat vps 搭建博客 但是...
optional but highly recommended is to have a server (eg Home Assistant or QNAP or Synology) running nginx proxy manager as a switchboard (see my set up to use nginx). doesn’t cloudflared do this? Much as I would like to use CLOUDFLARE + cloudflared Home Assistan...
服务器地址:若服务与Nginx Proxy Manager在同一台设备,终端输入ip addr show docker0查看容器内部IP 反之直接填写服务所在的IP地址 目标应用端口:如下图红框所示 ▼如下图,点击【SSL】,进行设置,设置完毕后,点击【SAVE】就完成反向代理设置,证书会自动续约,咱们也不必担心,接下来就可以通过域名访问咱们的服务啦 ...
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $server_name; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on; ...
create a proxy host forhttp://homeassistant:8123 activate "Force SSL" and "HSTS Enabled" open the proxy host try to open the Nginx Proxy Manager through the proxy host Proposed changes Not sure. Can't connect to the addon UI using Cloudflare certificates ...
Nginx error log doesn't show anything, and neither does HA core log. If I bypass the proxy and use HTTP on port 8123 it works fine. Addon configuration is like this: domain:home.llamafilm.comhsts:max-age=31536000; includeSubDomainscertfile:fullchain.pemkeyfile:privkey.pemcloudflare:falsecust...