Load balancing,即负载均衡,是一种计算机技术,用来在多个计算机(计算机集群)、网络连接、CPU、磁盘驱动器或其他资源中分配负载,以达到最优化资源使用、最大化吞吐率、最小化响应时间、同时避免过载的目的。 为了提升网站的服务能力,网站可以采用集群部署,就像话剧院有多个入口一样。这时候,就需要一个协调者,来均衡的分...
往往我们接触的最多的是SLB(Server Load Balance)负载均衡,实现最多的也是SLB、那么SLB它的调度节点和...
最简单的Nginx负载均衡(Load Balancing) 把大象装冰箱分三部:1.把冰箱门打开;2.把大象装进去;3.把冰箱门关上。 在此,创建一个最简单的Nginx负载均衡环境,也分三步走。 第一步:两台笔记本,IP分别为192.168.1.103,; 两台都下载了wamp,测试好环境,保证通过103机子能成功访问 http:
dynamic reconfiguration, SSL termination, and more. In NGINX PlusRelease 7and later, the TCP load balancer has full feature parity with the HTTP load balancer. Support forUDP load balancingwas introduced in
介绍 在多个应用实例间做负载均衡是一个被广泛使用的技术,用于优化资源效率,最大化吞吐量,减少延迟和容错。 负载均衡的几个重要的点: 上游服务器配置 :使用upstream s...
ip-hash — a hash-function is used to determine what server should be selected for the next request (based on the client’s IP address). Default load balancing configuration The simplest configuration for load balancing with nginx may look like the following: ...
如果单个服务器出现故障,负载均衡的方法会将流量重定向到其余的集群服务器,以保证服务的稳定性。当新的服务器添加到服务器组后,也可通过负载均衡的方法使其开始自动处理客户端发来的请求。详情可参考:What Is Load Balancing?(https://www.Nginx.com/resources/glossary/load-balancing/)...
如果单个服务器出现故障,负载均衡的方法会将流量重定向到其余的集群服务器,以保证服务的稳定性。当新的服务器添加到服务器组后,也可通过负载均衡的方法使其开始自动处理客户端发来的请求。详情可参考:What Is Load Balancing?(https://www.Nginx.com/resources/glossary/load-balancing/)...
Note: The host running the containerized NGINX load balancer cannot run on the same host as any container endpoints for which it is performing load balancing; the host with your nginx container image must be reserved for load balancing only. For more background...
Open source NGINX supports four load‑balancing methods, and NGINX Plus adds a fifth method: Round Robin – Requests are distributed evenly across the servers, with server weights taken into consideration. This method is used by default (there is no directive for enabling it): ...