I've switched form Apache to NGINX and I can't get the excel file to be saved. Whenever I navigate to the page it gives me "net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE", but when I uncomment the $writer->save('php://output'); it works. Here's the code in ...
缘由:A项目用HttpURLConnection代理(B项目)内部接口的时候,返回值正常; 由于要走负载,nginx代理了几个A项目,通过nginx访问的时候,页面显示ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE; nginx报错upstream sent invalid chunked response while reading upstream. 原因 http协议版本不一致导致 解决方案 在nginx.conf的location里加上 proxy_http_v...
4、脚本错误(php语法错误、lua语法错误)。解决方法:查看nginx_err_log php_err_log。5、访问量过大,系统资源限制,不能打开过多文件。 磁盘空间不足。(access log开启可能导致磁盘满溢,服务器主动关闭)。解决方法:修改/etc/sysctl.conf文件,并使用下面的命令确认: #sysctl -p。要使 limits....
nginx 分发请求报错upstream sent invalid chunked response while reading upstream问题解决,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
'invalid chunked'报错:通过'nginx访问'的时候,'浏览器'页面显示'ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE' 1. ② 客户端请求体太大 (3) 'client intended to send too large body' 用于设置nginx允许接受的客户端'请求体'内容的最大值,默认值是1M,client发送的body'超过了'设置值 ...
request to it, or reading the response header; invalid_header a server returned an empty or invalid response; http_500 a server returned a response with the code 500; http_502 a server returned a response with the code 502; http_503 ...
erron = 104 错误表明你在对一个对端socket已经关闭的的连接调用write或send方法,在这种情况下,调用write或send方法后,对端socket便会向本端socket发送一个RESET信号,在此之后如果继续执行write或send操作,就会得到errno为104,错误描述为connection reset by peer。 如果对方socket已经执行了close的操作,本端socket还继...
erron = 104 错误表明你在对一个对端socket已经关闭的的连接调用write或send方法,在这种情况下,调用write或send方法后,对端socket便会向本端socket发送一个RESET信号,在此之后如果继续执行write或send操作,就会得到errno为104,错误描述为connection reset by peer。
{/* a whole response has been parsed successfully */r->headers_in.content_length_n = 0;break;}if (rc == NGX_AGAIN) {/* set amount of data we want to see next time */r->headers_in.content_length_n = rb->chunked->length;break;}/* invalid */ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r-...
出现net::ERR_HTTP2_SERVER_REFUSED_STREAM错误 出现报错“The param of ServerGroupName is illegal” 创建Ingress时报错“certificate signed by unknown authority” 其他 Ingress Pod健康检查失败导致重启 添加TCP、UDP服务 Ingress规则没有生效 重写到根目录后部分资源无法加载或白屏 ...