8459 Update default allowed CORS headers 8202 disable modsecurity on error page 8178 Add header Host into mirror annotations 8458 Add portNamePreffix Helm chart parameter 8587 Add CAP_SYS_CHROOT to DS/PSP when needed 8213 feat: always set auth cookie 8548 Implement reporting status classes in metr...
I've never found one guide that covers the most important things about NGINX, and around NGINX. Of course, we haveofficial documentation- it's probably the best place for us. I think, however, there hasn't been a truly in-depth cheatsheet which describe a variety of configurations and imp...
3.15跨域配置,基本 CORS 配置 在 Nginx 的server块中添加add_header指令,以支持跨域请求。server { ...
# 跨源资源共享配置,允许域名加入白名单(我们这里将前后端项目部署在一个域名下,这里其实可以省略;我们这里做以后的扩展准备) # CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS 为推荐使用的配置选项; 可以直接指定允许的源列表,每个源可以是完整的URL或者只是域名 # CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST 相对较旧的配置方式,也是用于指定允许的源,但通常只...
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"--disable-web-security--user-data-dir=C:\MyChromeDevUserData 应用更改并启动浏览器 :点击“确定”保存更改,然后通过此快捷方式启动Chrome浏览器。此时,浏览器将以临时关闭同源策略的方式运行,允许跨域请求。
Edit a Policy To edit a policy, take the steps below. Go toManage > Cluster Policiesfor the cluster. SelectEdit Policyfrom the policy’sActionsmenu. Edit the policy as needed. SelectSaveandSave and Submit. Remove a Policy To remove a policy, take the steps below. ...
disable-ipv6-dns bool false resolver 设置是否关闭域名解析的 IPv6 地址查找 enable-underscores-in-headers bool false underscores_in_headers 参见《Nginx处理HTTP请求》一节 ignore-invalid-headers bool true ignore_invalid_headers 参见《Nginx处理HTTP请求》一节 client-header-buffer-size string 1k client_head...
-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->\r\n<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->\r\n<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->\r\n<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->\...
nginx Cors跨域请求OPTIONS方法405 Method Not Allowed问题 百度了很多种方案,没有结果,可能跟我遇到的...
gzip_disable "MSIE[1-6].";针对不同的客户端发起的请求有选择的打开或者关闭gzip命令,后面的浏览器的名称比如禁止IE的gzip功能 gzip_min_length 1kgzip压缩的最小文件,小于设置值将不会压缩 gzip_http_version 1.0|1.1启用压缩功能时,协议的最小版本,默认http/1.1 ...