Just a quick disclaimer: the sites-enabled/sites-available layout isn't something from nginx itself, but rather from you package maintainer. By default nginx provides single nginx.conf sample config which is more obvious than multiple files joined via include as found in some linux packages. Here...
As a next step, the Nginx config needs to be prepared. Go to the folder where your Nginx config is located and open the file with an editor (e.g. VI). vi nginx.conf The following code should go inside theserverblock as shown. ...
You'll end up with two files generated in the created directory at/usr/local/nginx/conf/ssl/domaincom/. One for your private key namedyourdomain_com.key(I renamed it to just ssl.key for below example at/usr/local/nginx/conf/ssl/domaincom/ssl.key) and a CSR fileyourdomain_com.csr. ...
After installing nginx, you should gain a good understanding of its configuration settings, which are found in thenginx.conffile. This is the main configuration file for nginx and therefore most security checks will be done using this file. By default, you can findnginx.confin[nginx installation...
--conf-path=<path> - The default location of nginx.conf if no -c parameter is provided. If not provided, defaults to <prefix>/conf/nginx.conf. --pid-path=<path> - The path to nginx.pid, if not set via the "pid" directive in nginx.conf. If not provided, defaults to <prefix>/...
if ($request_filename ~* ^.*?\.(txt|pdf|jpg|png)$) { add_header Content-Disposition 'attachment';} 配置默认站点 server { listen 80 default;} 当一个 nginx 服务上创建了多个虚拟主机时默认会从上到下查找,如果匹配不到虚拟主机则会返回第一个虚拟主机的内容,如果你想指定一个默认站点时...
We have already explained that Nginx’s shared memory zones may take much less physical memory resources than the size configured in thenginx.conffile. Thanks to thedemand-pagingfeature of modern operating systems. We demonstrated that empty shared memory zones may still utilize some memory pages ...
We have already explained that Nginx’s shared memory zones may take much less physical memory resources than the size configured in thenginx.conffile. Thanks to thedemand-pagingfeature of modern operating systems. We demonstrated that empty shared memory zones may still utilize some memory pages ...
1. Insert the server block below into thenginx.conffile. Type the server name in theserver_nameline to redirect the server's HTTP traffic: server { listen 80 default_server; server_name [domain]; return 301 https://[domain]$request_uri; ...
Master 进程的作用:读取并验证配置文件 nginx.conf;管理 worker 进程; Worker 进程的作用:每一个 Worker 进程都维护一个线程(避免线程切换),处理连接和请求;注意 Worker 进程的个数由配置文件决定,一般和 CPU 个数相关(有利于进程切换),配置几个就有几个 Worker 进程,上面的例子只有1个 Worker 进程。