通过园子的博文nginx-ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR出现的原因以及解决办法找到了原因——没有启用 ssl,启用...
For others looking for this issue, I want to add that Chrome will respond with: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR while Firefox responds with: SSL_ERROR_RX_UNEXPECTED_NEW_SESSION_TICKET and curl responds with: gnutls_handshake() failed: An unexpected TLS packet was received. IE seemed to work, surpris...
For others looking for this issue, I want to add that Chrome will respond with: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR while Firefox responds with: SSL_ERROR_RX_UNEXPECTED_NEW_SESSION_TICKET and curl responds with: gnutls_handshake() failed: An unexpected TLS packet was received. IE seemed to work, surpris...
使用vue-pdf本地浏览器使用chrome移动机型可以正常预览,但是到了线上就无法正常预览了? 线上打开pdf:pdf文件请求返回<html><body><!-- no enabled plugin supports this MIME type --></body></html>预览效果如下:而本地效果如下:pdf文件返回正常:使用的chrome的模拟机型...
GET https://test.com/img/001.jpg net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR,前面十几张图片是可以加载出来的,在移动端和 edge 都是可以加载出来的nginx 1.10.3 chrome 57.0.2987.110 查了一下原因,chrome 逐渐抛弃 SPDY,而h2 使用的是 ALPN 协议进行协商的,和SPDY没什么关系啊!为什么会出现这种错误的?
心血来潮想给自己的小网站加上https协议,照着网上一顿操作,结果浏览器提示“ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR”无法打开。查看nginx的error日志没有报错,查看access日志如下,其中$request字段打印的全是十六进制(以\x16\x03\x01\x02\x00\x01开头)。 先说解决办法-启用SSL支持 ...
ssl_ecdh_curve secp384r1; ssl_session_tickets off; # 检查是否包含http2参数 ssl_http2 on; } ``` ### 步骤四:检查客户端浏览器兼容性 有些较老的浏览器可能不支持HTTP/2协议,确保使用兼容HTTP/2的浏览器,如Chrome、Firefox等。 经过以上步骤的检查和调试,应该能够解决nginx err_http2_protocol_error错...
此网站无法提供安全连接- ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR 、、、 我有一个网站,它的开源开发使用asp.net核心。并且它已经部署在windows server 2019和iis 10上,我的问题是当我从我的国家(约旦)请求网站时,它像一个魔咒一样工作,我的问题是当从德国的某个ISP请求网站时,它不工作。 浏览123提问于2019-06-02得票数 ...
fails and in Chrome consolenet::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERRORis shown. If I send the large file upload request with some tool like Postman then the response status is shown to bee 200 OK, but the file has still not been uploaded and the response sent back from the server seems to be ...
ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Chrome or Safari browser by using Nginx Content-Security-Policy, first inspect this issue by accessing chrome hidden interface: chrome://net-internals/#events and selecting "live HTTP/2 sessions" button under HTTP/2 tab. If you get anything like below as a result ...