情况描述:由于网络原因,必须经过反向代理去分发不同的服务功能,同时由于代理的服务特殊,执行时间通常会很长,所以超过60秒就会报错。经排查,未经由nginx反向代理,直接访问代理服务并不会出现60超时问题。报错内容: An error occurred. Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable. Please try again ...
timeout: a timeout has occurred while establishing a connection with the server, passing a request to it, or reading the response header 出现error的场景,常见的是上游服务器的服务重启、停止,或者异常崩溃导致的无法提供正常服务。而timeout的情况,就是代理请求过程中达到对应的超时配置,主要包括了: proxy_...
error: an error occurred while establishing a connection with the server, passing a request to it, or reading the response header timeout: a timeout has occurred while establishing a connection with the server, passing a request to it, or reading the response header 出现error 的场景,常见的是...
error: an error occurred while establishing a connection with the server, passing a request to it, or reading the response header timeout: a timeout has occurred while establishing a connection with the server, passing a request to it, or reading the response header 出现error的场景,常见的是上...
今天在配置tomcat 的反向代理的时候本来应该访问apache的8080端口的,结果出现了错误页面,查看了以下浏览器的Network,发现返回的是502-Bad Gateway An error occurred. Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable. Please try again later. ...
就是后端主机B设置了防火墙,限制了主机A的访问。添加防火墙允许就可以了。回复 @波克比:我建了三...
proxy_pass 反向代理 404 location php 模块添加 fastcgi_split_path_info ^((?U).+\.php)(/?.+)$; 打开php脚本,提现下载 An error occurred. 居然是该死的“防火墙”,折磨得我好痛苦,一定要授权 php-cgi.exe 网络连接 No input file specified. ...
2、ssi_silent_errors on:默认值是off,开启后在处理SSI文件出错时不输出错误提示:“[an error occurred while processing the directive]”。 3、ssi_types:默认是text/html,如果需要支持shtml,则需要设置:ssi_types text/shtml。 示例配置 1、开启shtml后缀的文件名支持SSI: ...
反向代理(Reverse Proxy)方式是指以代理服务器来接受internet上的连接请求,然后将请求转发给内部网络上的服务器,并将从服务器上得到的结果返回给internet上请求连接的客户端,此时代理服务器对外就表现为一个反向代理服务器。 当外部客户机尝试访问内容服务器时,会将其送到代理服务器。实际内容位于内容服务器上,在防火墙...
Linux Centos下Nginx反向代理教程 主机要求:Centos系统,内存64MB及以上、80端口没有被占用 1、升级系统、卸载Apache释放80端口 Yum update -y Yum remove httpd -y 2、安装EPEL repo rpm -Uvh http://www.landui.com/linux/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm EPEL repo下载地址:https://www.land...