在Angular中,可以使用条件语句将if contains条件放入ng类中。具体步骤如下: 首先,在HTML模板中,使用*ngIf指令来添加条件语句。这个指令允许我们根据条件的真假来显示或隐藏某个元素。 代码语言:txt 复制 <!-- 条件满足时要显示的内容 --> 上述代码中,str是一个包含要检查条件的字符串变量。includes方法用于判断...
Title sums it up: if the path to the project contains a folder whose name starts with an exclamation mark (!) character, ng serve fails with webpack: Failed to compile. Workaround: Renaming the offending folder by removing the problemati...
This gem includes a Rails concern called DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::SetUserByToken. Include this concern to provide access to controller methods such as authenticate_user!, user_signed_in?, etc. The concern also runs an after_action that changes the auth token after each request. It is recomm...