We understand that there are many considerations when grading a coin, and here at The Royal Mint we use the British descriptive coin grading scale. The grading evaluates certain factors such as sharpness, effigy definition, and general wear and tear, which ascertains the coin’s ...
目前国际认可度较高的钱币评级公司主要有PCGS(机制币)、NGC(硬币)、PMG(纸币)这三家,很多初级藏友经常因为标签问题来咨询。 PCGS机制币鉴定评级标准及含义:PCGS 是Professional Coin Grading Service( 专业钱币分级服务公司)简称。1986年在美国成立。这家公司同时用字母和数字来为钱币的新旧评级,具体的级别包括BS-1、...
88 Gem Proof (非常好的镜面币,通常是在大量送评然后不到客人要求的分数的币装在一卷里面用的) 89 Brilliant Uncirculated (BU的意思,也是在送大量评级 不到分数要求 品相不如79 那种特别高分数的效果 就用这个) 90 Questionable Authenticity – the coin is most likely a counterfeit (这枚币像是假的) 91...
http://www.ngccoin.com/ancients/grading.aspx 古代币的评级不再用一个分数概括,而是把品相等级(grade,主要是磨损状况),表面状况(surface)和打制状况(strike)三方面分开评价,没有总的分数。另外,因为古代币的每个模具都是纯手工雕出来的,工匠水平不同导致模具的艺术性差别很大,因此NGC对艺术风格(style)很好的币...
Our rare coin dealers buy and sell certified U.S. and foreign rare coins from all major coin grading services, namely PCGS, NGC and ANACS.
70-Point Scale Coin grading is determined on a 70 point scale, with 1 being the lowest grade and 70 being the highest. For uncirculated or bullion Silver Eagles the highest grades awarded arePCGS MS70andNGC MS 70(Buy on eBay). For Proof Silver Eagles, the highest grades awarded arePCGS ...
Weighing needs to be done by an accurate scale and a calibrated scale otherwise, the displayed weight is just a number. I am only saying this as you do not want to go through all the process of winning the auction, taking out an NGC membership (or you could submit a single coin ...
PCGS, NGC, and ANACS handle the issues of coin grading well and grade by the same basic standard, therefore none of them have an overwhelming preponderance of over- or undergraded coins in their holders - they are in the range of average for the grade. ...
PCGS 是Professional Coin Grading Service( 专业钱币分级服务公司)简称。1986年在美国成立。这家公司同时用字母和数字来为钱币的新旧评级,具体的级别包括BS-1、FR-2、AG-3、G-4、G-6、VG-8、VG-10、F-12、F-15、VF-20、VF-25、VF-30、VF-35、XF-40、XF-45、AU-50、AU-53、AU-55、Au-58、MS-60...
(Professional Coin Grading Service) dealer at it's inception in 1986. Mike Byers was a consultant to ANACS for Mint Errors from 2000 to 2006. He is also the Owner, Publisher and Editor of Mint Error News Magazine and the Mint Error News Website that was founded in 2003. In 2009, Mike...