NGC 6357 is a diffuse nebula in the constellation Scorpio. Since this nebula looks like a dove from the bright west side and a skeleton from the east side, which makes it called the "War and Peace" nebula. This nebula is home of many protostars and young stars that are obscu...
NGC6357位于距离地球约8000光年的天蝎座附近,充斥着大量的气体云和卷须黑色尘埃。由于这个星云的外观,太空中继红外实验的科学家称它为战争与和平星云(War and Peace Nebula)。他们说在红外线的影像中,明亮的西侧像一只鸽子,而东侧看起来像是骷颅。 曲目· ··· NGC6357...
NGC 6357 is a diffuse nebula in the constellation Scorpio. Since this nebula looks like a dove from the bright west side and a skeleton from the east side, which makes it called the "War and Peace" nebula. This nebula is home of many protostars and young stars that are obscured by the...