Name(s): NGC 6334, Gum 63, the Cat’s Paw Nebula, the Bear Claw Nebula. Type: Emission Nebula RA: 17h 20m 09s Dec: -35º 51’ 42” Constellation: Scorpius Size (arcmin): 40×30 Magnitude: 10 Distance: 5,500 ly Image Date: Many, starting July 2015 and ending Aug 2016. Locat...
The bright nebular complex NGC 6334 contains some of the most active sites of massive star formation known in our Galaxy. It is located at a distance from the Sun of 1.62 kpc and has a total mass of a few 105M . The physical characteristics of the active spots range widely, from well ...
The bright nebula NGC 6334 extends nearly 0.4 square degrees across the sky and is located at a distance from the Sun of 1.61 kpc. This region contains some of the most active sites of massive star formation in our Galaxy. Discovered by their bright far-infrared emission associated with radio...
LocatedattheNEofthemolecularcloud/HIIregioncomplexNGC6334,themassive coresNGC6334IandNGC6334I(N)areseparatedbyonly90 ′′ andareconsidered“twin” objectsinsomeaspectsbutalsoverydifferentinothercharacteristics(Beutheretal.2005). Bothcoreshavesimilardimensions:∼10 ′′ (Sandell2000)or0.08pcatadistanceof...
We measured the White Dwarfs cooling sequence in NGC6752 with the Hubble Space Telescope and, comparing it to a fiducial cooling sequence of field WDs we derive a distance modulus (m-M)0=13.05 ±0.10, and an age of about 15 Gyr (±1.5 Gyr)....
The Star Formation Region NGC 6530: distance, ages and Initial Mass Function We present astrometry and $BVI$ photometry, down to $V\\simeq22$, of the veryyoung open cluster NGC6530, obtained from observations taken with the WideFiel... L Prisinzano,F Damiani,G Micela,... - 《Astronomy...