NGC 1947 is discussed in an NED excerpt fromde Vaucouleurs' 1959 paperon the classification and morphology of galaxies, and the type shown in the description line is taken from that paper. Corwin notes that the galaxy looks very similar to the more famous Centaurus A (NGC 5128), which is...
Classification Note: Although both HyperLEDA and NED list this as a spiral, its PanSTARRS image clearly shows that it is a lenticular galaxy. LEDA Sab, B 15.4 -> V 15(?); NED Spiral, 15.4(band?), .6 x .25 arcmin, 3K Vr 10099 km/sec, z 0.03368627 NGC 305 (= PGC 3325922) Dis...
NGC 5128 is a giant elliptical galaxy less than 4 Mpc away providing a unique opportunity to study its stellar population in great detail. We have obtained high signal-to-noise spectroscopy from Gemini/GMOS for over 80 globular clusters ... Kristin A. Woodley,William E. Harris,Thomas H. Pu...