Galaxy: Open Clusters and Associations: Individual: NGC Number: NGC 1893Stars: Emission-LineBeStars: EvolutionStars: FormationStars: Pre-Main-SequenceTechniques: PhotometricWe present uvbyβ CCD photometry of the open cluster NGC 1893 deep enough to cover the complete main sequence B spectral type....
+7.1, is a young open cluster that's one of a number of bright clusters that can be seen with binoculars in the constellation of Cassiopeia. It contains at least 80 stars visible in amateur telescopes spread over a diameter of 16 arc minutes. A 100mm (4-inch) scope reveals a bright ...
NGC 752 is a large spawling open cluster in the constellation ofAndromeda. With an apparent magnitude of +5.7, it's visible to the naked eye from a dark site appearing as a large unresolved fuzzy patch of light. The cluster is one of the finest large open clusters in the sky and co...
Results: The CO emission forming an arc-like shape and mid-infrared 8.28 渭m emission are coincident with SNR G59.5+0.1, which has a total mass of 1.1 脳 10Mand fully covers the open cluster NGC 6823. Three molecular clumps are identified in the CO molecular arc, each clump tracing the...
GALEX photometry of the open cluster NGC 752 Article 16 November 2021 Vilnius photometry and Gaia astrometry of Melotte 105 Article 04 March 2020 Deep V and I CCD photometry of young star cluster NGC 1893 with the 3.6m DOT Article 31 January 2022 References Allen, C. W.: 1973,Astrop...
Pushing the Limits of Ground-based Photometric Precision: Submillimagnitude Time-Series Photometry of the Open Cluster NGC 6791 We present the results from a three night, time-series study of the open cluster NGC 6791 using the Megacam wide-field mosaic CCD camera on the 6.5m MMT te... JD...
Below, a 2.4 arcmin wide DSS image of the cluster NGC 1901 (=OCL 791) Discovered (Dec 30, 1836) byJohn Herschel An open cluster (type III3m) inDorado(RA 05 17 48.0, Dec -68 26 00) Historical Identification: Per Dreyer, NGC 1901 (= GC 1109 = JH 2824, 1860 RA 05 18 08, NPD...
The Open Star Cluster NGC 1245 has a distance of about 2.5 kpc in the direction of the constellation Perseus. Like in NGC 2194 most bright stars of the cluster show a slightly blue color. These are the "normal" hydrogen core burning stars with their hot surface temperature. But there are...
Wild duck cluster -M 109 -M 110 Glob CL OPH 6.1 12 14.5' IX Somewhat loose structure -NGC 1 Glob CL HER 5.8 12 23.2' V Hercules cluster;Messier said nebula, no stars -NGC 3 Glob CL OPH 7.6 12 6.7' VIII Many vF stars 14... -NGC 5 Glob CL PEG 6.4 11 12.3' IV Stars mags ...
Recently, we detected a large population of δ Scuti stars in the open cluster NGC 7062. On the basis of these results, we discuss the potential of extending the asteroseismic distance scale for δ Scuti stars to include extra-galactic stellar clusters. Especially high--amplitude δ Scuti stars...