ISM: PLANETARY NEBULAE: INDIVIDUAL: NGC 1501ISM: KINEMATICS AND DYNAMICSISM: PLANETARY NEBULAE: GENERALDirect imagery and long-slit, spatially resolved echellograms of the high excitation planetary nebula NGC 1501 allowed us to study in detail the expansion velocity field, the physical conditions (...
#天文酷图##天文名词# NGC 1501 是鹿豹座的一个行星状星云。于1787年11月3日由弗里德里希·威廉·赫歇尔发现。该星云因中心恒星相当明亮,以及气体外层形状类似牡蛎壳,因此有个非正式昵称牡蛎星云(Oyster Nebula...
NGC1501 Oyster Nebula 牡蛎星云 | Target: d~4240Ly/D~0.5Ly(0.86')/VM=+13.0 | Telescope: D=203mm/F=1400mm | T=5s*600*50%@RGB | Time.Loc.: 20231229/CN-SZ-KJY@Bortle-9 | Photo by: 馒头星系MattGalaxy 拍摄地点: 广东省深圳市南山区科苑路15号 深圳南山科技园 镜头/望远镜: Celestron...
NGC1501骆驼眼星云 骆驼眼星云 Camle Eye Nebula 由赫歇尔发现于1787年,距离为5000光年,视面积为50 x 50角秒。 仔细对照哈勃的照片,基本都能对应上,包括ha的小结构。 精选 拍摄地点: 青海省海南藏族自治州贵南县贵南-黄沙头专线,贵南-过马营专线 青海省森多远程天文台 镜头/望远镜: C8HD 相机: ASI533MM 赤...
We report on a global CCD time-series photometric campaign to decode the pulsations of the nucleus of the planetary nebula NGC1501. The star is hot and hydrogen-deficient, similar to the pre-white-dwarf PG 1159 stars. NGC1501 shows pulsational brightness variations of a few percent with perio...
Nebula;0.6 deg from Xi Per NGC 1365 Galaxy FOR 9.6 14.1 11' SBb Best example of barred spiral;Fornax Gal Cl membe-rNGC 1500 Galaxy DOR 13.8 13.8 1.1' Elliptical NGC 1366 Galaxy FOR 12 12.6 2.1' SO H III 857 -NGC 1501 Pln Neb CAM 12 11.6 56'' 3 14.4 H IV 53;PK144+6.1 NGC...
NGC1491NGC1499NGC1501NGC1502 NGC1513NGC1514NGC1528NGC1532 NGC1535NGC1545NGC1549NGC1566 12 NGC1647NGC1664NGC1672NGC1788 NGC1792,NGC1808NGC1817NGC1851NGC1857 NGC1907NGC1909NGC1931NGC1961 NGC1964NGC1973NGC1980NGC1999 1808 1792 13 NGC2022NGC2024NGC2126NGC2129 ...
Blue Oyster Nebula Type: Planetary Nebula Alternative Names: NGC 1501 Constellation: Camelopardalis Right Ascension (R.A.) : 04 06 59.3919688584 Declination: +60 55 14.277444117 Distance from Earth (Lt.Yr): 5,000 Calculated Diameter (Lt.Yr): ...
Historical Identification: Per Dreyer, NGC 4535 (GC 3080 = WH II 500, 1860 RA 12 27 15, NPD 81 01.7) is "pretty faint, very large, mottled but not resolved." The second IC adds "Large spiral nebula, 8 points measured by Schwassmann." The position precesses to RA 12 34 21.5, Dec...
The position precesses to RA 00 55 05.4, Dec +31 31 49, whence the position listed above, but there is nothing there, other than NGC 296 (which must be there, since Copeland measured the position relative to what he thought was that nebula). As a result, NGC 295 has long been (...