嗨,我正在使用 ngbDatePicker,我的格式是 YYYY-MM-DD 我正在尝试更改它,但似乎无法将格式更改为 MM/DD/YYYY。 这是我的 html 代码 嗨,我正在使用 ngbDatePicker,我的格式是 YYYY-MM-DD 我正在尝试更改它,但似乎无法将格式更改为 MM/DD/YYYY。
2)有一个处理程序函数,它从NgbDateStruct的模型中提取DTO值,获取它的日/月/年,并放到我的endDate中发送到服务器 我不明白,为什么只有在模板中使用了ngbDatepicker时,我才会得到下面的错误,而当它被排除时却没有: 代码语言:javascript 复制 main.99b988e9722c4de65a1a.bundle.js:1 ERROR Error: formControlNa...
There is still needed work for covering widgets that have their custom (non-Bootstrap) CSS (ex. datepicker) but this will be handled in a separate issue. Closing this one for now, if anyone has more precise use-cases that are not covered so far, please open a new issue with a ...
After trying to monkey patch this datepicker to use in an application where dates come from a database via a web service, I appreciate the difficulties given the current state of Angular. It is unfortunate though, since not being able to use an ISO string or a Javascript date object creates...