Ngai Hing Hong Company Limited is an investment holding company. The Company and its subsidiaries are principally engaged in the manufacturing and trading of plastic materials, pigments, colorants, compounded plastic resins and engineering plastic products. The Company’s business segments include trading...
About the company Ngai Hing Hong Company Limited is an investment holding company. The Company and its subsidiaries are principally engaged in the manufacturing and trading of plastic materials, pigments, colorants, compounded plastic resins a
收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 文档标签: NGAIHINGHONGCOMPANYLIMITED 系统标签: ngaihing二零一四年港元honglimited –1–香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不就因本公告全部或任何部份內容而產生或...
NGAI HING HONG COMPANY LIMITED毅 興行有限公司 *(於百慕達註冊成立之有限公司)(股份代號:1047)股東週年大會之代表委任表 格本人╱吾等(附註1) 地址為 為上述公司 ( 「本公司」 ) 股本中每股面值0.10港元股份共 茲委任(附註3)大會主席或 (如其未克出席) 地址為 為本人╱吾等之代表,代表本人╱吾等出席本...
Ngai Hing Hong Co. Ltd. is the first company in the industry listed on the HKEX. With over 50 years' experience, the Group is one of the largest suppliers in plastic resins, & manufacturer in colour & functional masterbatches, custom-made engineering pla...
We have our own factory in Shenzhen - Shenzhen Xing Bao Yin Metal Manufacturing Company Limited. We adopt automatic or semi-automatic production lines with an in-house electroplating department, making the production of products in different colors possible. Our factory is capable of producing 50,00...
Verified and credible Ngai Kwong Industrial Company Limited company overview, qualified supplier, trader, manufacturer, vendor, distributor providing products and services on HKTDC Sourcing
商标名称 NGAI HING HONG 注册号 3609678 当前状态 已驳回 商标类型 普通商标 类别 第01类 申请日期 2003-06-27 类似群 0108,0115 商品/服务列表 0108-未加工丙烯酸树脂, 0108-未加工丙烯酸类树脂, 0108-未加工人造树脂, 0108-未加工合成树脂, 0108-未加工的人造合成树脂, ...
申请人名称(英文)NGAI HING HONG PLASTIC MATERIALS LIMITED 申请地址(英文)UNIT 3,6/F,HOPEFUL FACTORY CENTRE,10 WOSHING STREET,FO TAN,SHATIN,NEW TERRITORIES,HONG KONG SAR 代理/办理机构信息 代理/办理机构北京英特普罗知识产权代理有限公司 商标流程信息 商品/服务项目 未加工丙烯酸类树脂(0108) 未加工的环氧...
商标名称 NGAI HING HONG; NHH 国际分类 第17类-橡胶制品 商标状态 商标转让 申请/注册号 3609675 申请日期 2003-06-27 申请人名称(中文) 毅兴塑胶原料有限公司;NGAIHINGHONGPLASTICMATERIALSLIMITED 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 香港新界沙田火炭禾盛街10号海辉工业中心6字楼3室;UNIT 3,6/F,HOPEFUL...