Description and literal translation of Te Kohanga Reo; Methodology; Results of the study.HohepaMargieSmithGraham HingangaEducational PsychologyHohepa, M., Hingangaroa, G., Smith, L., Smith, T. & McNaughton, S. (1992). Te Kohanga reo hei tikanga ako i te reo Maori: Te Kohanga reo as ...
Te Kohanga Reo Hei Tikanga Ako i te Reo Ma ori: Te Kohanga Reo as a context for language learning. Unpublished master' s thesis, University of Auckland, New Zealand.Hohepa, Margie, and Graham Hingangaroa Smith 1992 Te Kohanga Reo Hei Tikanga Ako i te Reo Maori: Te Kohanga Reo as a...