From the total 4014 GFP(+) cells, the t-SNE plot data showed 6 clusters by cell identity, which contain a 77.2% percentage of oligodendrocyte lineage cells (Fig. 4e). The t-SNE maps visualized the scattered expression of single-cell gene Gad1 but not Gad2 within OPC subclusters 1 and...
藏身于山瓦岗山(Shawangunk Ridge)北麓的密林中,有大约100名“FLG”练习者居住在纽约州北部一处与世隔绝的400英亩大院内。 龙泉寺大院卫星图(图片来源:Google Maps / Business Insider) 由于“FLG”(在美国)被归类为宗教组织,所以它的地产获得了免税资格。 2001年起,该...