ng-zorro-antd admin panel front-end framework cookie版本 暂无标签 CSS MIT 保存更改 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者(11) 全部 近期动态 6年多前推送了新的提交到master分支,c6f8cf3...9388c24 6年多前推送了新的提交到master分支,9e84faa...c6f8cf3 ...
ng-ant-dmin是基于ng-zorro-antd的后台管理系统前端框架,界面参照了antd-admin。 旨在快速搭建基础CRUD模块。 快速开始 确保您的Node版本>= 6.9.0,NPM版本 >= 3。 git clone --depth 1 cd ng-ant-admin npm install # cnpm install npm start ...
Ng-zorro-antd admin panel front-end framework. 更多信息见中文README DEMO Quick start Make sure you have Node version >= 6.9.0 and NPM >= 3 or higher. # clone ng-alain repo # --depth 1 removes all but one .git commit history git clone --depth 1
ng-alain 一套基于 Ng-zorro-antd【ANT DESIGN】 的企业后台模板展开收起 暂无标签 /doudabao_admin/ng-alain MIT 保存更改 取消 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者(16) 全部 近期动态 不能加载更多了 马建仓 AI 助手 尝试更多 代码解读 代码找茬 代码优化
开发者ID:ezhuo,项目名称:angular-admin-ng-zorro,代码行数:45,代码来源:modal.service.ts 示例6: success ▲点赞 0▼ success():void{constmodal =this.modalService.success({nzTitle:'This is a notification message',nzContent:'This modal will be destroyed after 1 second'});window.setTimeout(()...
vue项目构建报错 vue本地启项目报错 github上比较火的一个 vue-element-admin 项目; 下载到本地之后按照readMe的步骤 npm install npm run dev 结果报错了。 报错内容显示如下: 说道这里自己有点儿,之前一直吧 报错的重点放在了: cross-env BABEL_ENV=development webpack-dev-server --inli... ...
ng-zorro-antd@1.0.0 --save ##升级zorro ng-alain 脚手架开发 ng new admin --style less ## 创建项目 cd admin ng add ng-alain ng serve angular 报错Can't bind to 'nzData' since it isn't a known property of 'nz-table'. 在angular里添加了一...
Ng-zorro-antd admin panel front-end framework. 中文版 DEMO Quick start # Make sure you are using the latest version of Angular cli ng new demo --style less cd demo ng add ng-alain ng serve # or hmr mode npm run hmr Please refer to Cli for more details. [vscode] recommended install...
Ng-zorro-antdadmin panel front-end framework. 更多信息见中文 README DEMO Quick start There are two ways to install: Use the Command Line Depend on@delon/cli,How install? ng new -c=@delon/cli my-app Clone the Git Repository #--depth 1 removes all but one .git commit history$ git clo...
delon is a production-ready solution for admin business components packages, Built on the design principles developed by Ant Design. App Shots Donation ng-alain is an MIT-licensed open source project. In order to achieve better and sustainable development of the project, we expect to gain more ...